[EU] [H] Looking for semi-hardcore guild

Hey guys,

My name is Hope and im looking for a semi-hardcore guild on EU realms. I am currently maining a blood DK and also have an alt protection warrior. I am invested in the game and would like to tackle raiding and mythic+ content. Ideally i would play one of the tanks in the raid, even tho i know it’s hard to find a tank spot for raids this close to the opening of raids.

I raided back in legion so i have some experience raiding, playing wow, but mostly i played AAA mmos and always did really well. In general i am a very dedicated, kind, empathic person that loves to be challenged and learn new things, so this is also why i chose to play tank. I would ideally like to also put together a 5man premade for pushing m+ keys in the following weeks/months since i find that type of content interesting and exciting.

I do not wish to raid more than 2 days a week, and it cannot be on mondays.

Thank you and hope to hear from some of you!


Some mates and I are going to be making a relatively small casual normal / heroic raid and M+ guild. We are still in need of a second tank and wont be raiding more than 2 days a week.

My bnet is Reimo#2869, let me know if you might be interested.

Check us out !!

we would love to talk !!!