[EU-H] Mythic Noob Incubator

Hi there! I’m a 474 ilvl warlock with 4/12 mythic ny’alotha. I am also a noob. When I play in chill groups I can burst 110k dps (aoe), when stuff goes downhill or I dont know the fight very well (read: panic) I struggle to stay above 40k dps. People tilt and call me all kinds of mean bogus because they expect that at this ilvl I will be a god.

If you are like me, you know that no amount of gear will make up for lack of experience. However, you are probably also bummed out and afraid of applying for pugs or guilds because you know they are going to flame the will-to-live out of you.

Last week I had a couple of days where I straight up had to go lie down in bed and sob and ask myself why in the seven circles of hell I put myself through this misery. Then later I got lucky and got into some PUGs with calm and kind GODS that revitalised me a bit. (I find that often GOD-level players are the kindest … :slight_smile: )

On Saturday I found myself awkwardly in the position of raid leader for a mythic PUG. It was late night and it got disbanded after we killed Wrathion and wiped a couple of times at Skitra, but i asked people to add me if they wanted to keep trying before reset day.

So yesterday very few of the original team came back, and we puged. I took in whoever applied over 460ilvl. People tilted. To them I said “I dont care if you are top dps, you are not welcome here, bye bye.” Calm people stayed. They where not doing very well, but improving for every wipe. Like me, they were there for practice. We killed Skitra, then wiped a lot on Maut. I had to leave and left with the same request to the raid.

“If you want to try again before reset, add me and let me know tomorrow.”

This is probably the most stressful I’ve done “for fun” in my life. But its unfair that many people don’t get to try because they get shut down and kicked mercilessly and immediately. Sure, it is a bummer if someone comes up and expects to be carried through it. But if someone legitimately wants to learn it there should be a way for them to do it.

The lock system is quite possibly to blame here, what a punishment it must be for people who expect to 1-shot everything with zero mistakes to get locked to an instance with me… I wish Blizzard would let you do content unrestricted and just remove the rewards if that is the issue. Mythic raid practice-mode anyone?

Anyways, so, I figured its rewarding to try to create a safe space for practice. A place where toxic people who just rage instead of coming with constructive feedback get kicked no matter how well they do, and where you dont need to fear retribution for messing up while you are learning.

So I made a community called “Mythic Noob Incubator”. If you identify with my game experience, request to join or add me @ battletag freyasmar#2698 / discord Magna#9235 and lets mess up together in HC or mythic raid, m+, visions, arena, whatever. Lets wipe together a hundred times until we become good players :partying_face:.

Let us set our own rules for how to play the game in kind comraderie.

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