[EU] LF dps to learn and push m+

Hello! Myself and a friend have recently started playing WoW again. We are just starting to learn M0. We are currently a Guardian Druid + Holy pala so we are seeking three dps to play with regularly.

We are both in our late 20’s / early 30’s, have jobs and family so playtime is largely restricted to evenings. Usually 1-4 hours Sun-Thurs and 8pm + Fri-Sat BST. We are from Uk and Sweden so english is required

We both havent played since around Mop/Legion so a lot has changed for us.

Our main focus is pushing as much progression with M0 then onto m+ and we are seeking a bunch of like minded individuals to come progress with us. We are currently still learning and looking for people who are in the same situation or have patience and understanding.

if this sounds like the kind of thing you would be interested in send me a message on discord - ekofunk


I just sent you friend request on disc - Chlupera.


Accepted it :slight_smile:

Add me, Trikko#2595
Always looking for players to group up