[EU] Looking for M+/Raiding Guild

Hi guys,

i’m a Windwalker Monk looking for a heroic raiding and M+ guild.

My Char is Tóm - Blackmoore - Tom#211665 - Alliance

Preferred raid times would be during the week, not weekends.
Timeframe would be the evening.

I have some M+ and raiding experience and have generally been pretty good at most games i play and am always ready to improve :slight_smile:

Now i’m looking to get into a guild that i can regularly do higher M+ and raids with :smiley:

Some additional infos about me:
I’m 25 yrs old, fluent in both english and german

Hi mate,

Take a look at our post and see if this sounds like what youre looking for. Get in touch if you want any more info.

Good luck!

Hello Tom!

I think you’d fit right in among our ranks in The Raven Clan!

if you’d like to discuss some details about the guild find me on discord @kerucqc or bnet: SilverWolf#22282.

Here’s our recruitment post:

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