Rather than do the usual recruitment posts, I thought I would share my WoW story.
I’ve played WoW since just before the launch of the Burning Crusade, and in 2009,sick of being excluded from end level content, I created the Misfits, a place where everyone was welcome, no matter what your class/item level/role was.
When Pandaria launched, I took an extended break from the guild and handed the reins over to one of our senior more active players, who BTW has done an amazing job keeping the guild going since. I came back towards the end of Battle for Azeroth and this time I’ve stayed back.
The guild over the years, has had its ups and downs and when Dragonflight started to go stale, the guild was pretty much dead. I kept my main characters in the guild but explored a number of other guilds with Alts on other realms to see if I could find any that resembled the feel of the “Misfits” of old. The answer to that was no, and I did try numerous guilds, so I decided to have one long concerted effort to breathe life into the Misfits guild once more.
It wasn’t easy and as quickly as we recruited through guild finder players would come on and see the guild was empty and leave as quickly as they joined. The only way around that was to be honest and I started posting of FB groups at the start of the year explaining that we were a long-established guild, that had gone quiet but we were actively recruiting for the up-and-coming expansion, and to ask any new players to bear with us.
8 months on, the recruitment has paid off massively, we have a bigger more active guild than we have ever had, and with players coming back to play the expansion we are growing daily. We have been so lucky not just with the numbers but the caliber of the players that we have recruited, they are the most unique, amazing group that I’ve ever met playing the game. They’ve improved and enhanced the guild bringing fresh ideas and really made the guild their own, and helped shape it to the guild we have now.
We have players who have set up regular raid nights, we have an active discord channel where players share their likes and dislikes and get to know each other, and the have set up streaming so those that can’t attend can watch the dungeon runs.
So that’s where we are, if you are looking for a mature guild, our average age is 40+ (not minimum age!), where there is no hierarchy, no toxic players, no time commitments that you have to play (we all have families too!!), whether you want to play tank, healer or DPS, and who doesn’t care what your level or item level is, then maybe the Misfits could be the guild for you.
Now cross faction guilds are a thing it no longer matters which EU Server you are on, whether your horde or alliance, whether you are new to the game or an experienced player.
If you are like me and you are looking for a different kind of guild, then please get in touch. You can find me on Battlenet:- Caine2004#2974 and I can give you the link to the Misfits discord channel to see if the guild is the right fit for you, before you commit to joining (try before you buy so to speak )