EU | Raiding & M+ Recruitment | < Lark>

Lark is recruiting!

About Us

We are 8/8 HC, and those definitely-retired-mythic raiders-trying-heroic now have the itch to scratch a deeper itch in mythic. We guarantee nothing this late in the season beyond memery and a team that is progressing together for the first time as a new guild in TWW.

We now have a small core that functions (praise be!) and are looking to grow our raid roster for heroic fun runs for alts, and to step into mythic raiding. We don’t know that we’ll see CE, but we’re up for a challenge. And if heroic is still your speed, then come join us - we enjoy the shinies!

We all respect the lives we have outside of the game, and try foster an inclusive environment to make the most of game time. That means there is a low tolerance for toxic behaviour or people; doing damage is great if you’re DPS, but we’re a community of gamers. It’s give and take, not take and take. Geddit?

Server: Emeriss - EU

As everyone knows, cross realm guilds are now in action. Toot toot!

Our Schedule

Mythic Raid: TBA - We’re open to preferences and will poll members soon.

Heroic Raid: Wednesdays | 20:00 - 22:30 Server Time
Heroic Alt: Sundays | 19:00 - 21:30 Server Time

Mondays | Normal Raid 20:00 - 22:30 Server Time (by request for alts)

Other week days, M+ are ad hoc and hop in and out as you like.

Recruitment: Players

We’re looking for mature players who want to explore The War Within without sweating heavily or suffering a Vitamin D deficiency in the pursuit of temporary glory. They don’t need to touch grass; grass fears their steps and the lawnmower each week.

One of our tanks plays the Bejewelled addon on the side and some of us are deeply invested in achievement hunting.

We are an inclusive guild; that means you cannot rant in guild chat that non-binary people belong in a mental asylum without going out of the airlock. If that example seems particularly specific, there is a paladin now roaming the wilds seeking a new home as of this morning.

Socials are always welcome - part of the heart of WoW.

Recruitment: Roles

We’re looking for the following roles:

Heal spots are open. Bonus points if you are a shaman, priest, or monk.

Damage spots are open. Bonus points if you are an evoker, or melee.*

We are currently full on raid tanks for the roster, but the M+ queue always needs more faces.

During mythic progress, we ask that you commit to one character and stick with it just for roster ease. That being said, if you really hate it and can produce a really good sick note, I’m down.

Want to apply?
Discord: thenameisform
Battlenet: formbyname#2652