I am looking for a place to call home on WoW. I’ve been a casual player since vanilla playing here and there, whilst mainly enjoying other games. The reason for this is I’ve always been solo and never had a community to play with or a guild to grind with.
I am looking for a guild with an active team to be a part of. I am English 29 years old and can generally play most days of the week. I am currently maining a frost DK but I can play whatever is needed for the guild!
Message me if you want to know more about me, looking forward to hearing back!
Thank you
Not sure if you’ve found a home or are still looking?
If its the latter then Id love to chat
Discord - Narsti
Look forward to hearing from you!
Hey Jamz, Sounds like we may be a good fit for you
We’re very welcoming and all are welcome to our raids stress and pressure free.
Check out our recruitment post if you feel like it Timeskip
Heres a TLDR:
2 Raids per week Wednesday/Monday 20:00-23:00 Server time.
Currently recruiting a variety of classes / specs right now and always open to classes not listed.
8/8HC looking at building our team to venture into mythic very soon in the future (Heroic raids will still be ongoing for people who do not wish to raid mythic).
Want more info or to have a chat?
Feel free to message me on Discord or Bnet
Disc: volto._.
Bnet: Volto#21126