[EU] Returning player looking for mythic raiding guild

Looking for a guild that’s aiming for CE. I’ve played wow on and off since 2005 and raided last time in dragonflight in a guild me and some friends made called CR I BLAST on kazzak, we achieved CE in vault and Aberrus, I only played vault and played casually after that. As we’re not raiding anymore im looking for a new home. I’ve got a a few chars leveled up to 80 that i could raid on.

These are the classes and speccs im willing to play as:

Survival Hunter
Guardian Druid
Feral Druid
Sub Rogue
Arms Warrior
WW Monk

I’ve most experience on Surv/Feral/Guardian, but am lvl 80 on all of the above chars and can have them raid ready.

If any of these is something you’re looking for you can reach out to me on discord: Anubiz90 Bnet: Anubiz#2901