EU - Sins of the Many-Draenor - Looking for social players!

Hi there!
Are you searching for a guild full of active, fun, slightly crazy (in a good way) players who love to play the game together, chat in discord/guild chat and banter with each other? Than we might be the guild you are searching for!

We have been around since 2019 and have a unique atmosphere where both new & experienced players are welcome.

Our events:
Every wednesday evening: M+ night from 20.00-22.00PM Servertime.
Every friday evening: Raid night from 20.00-23.00PM Servertime. ( we don’t have an official raid team, we just go with the people that wanna go and add pugs if necessary )
Outside of those 2 standard events, we have tmog runs, achiev runs, drunken game nights etc. from time to time aswell.

Excited or have more questions?
Feel free to message me on battlenet (Piikachi#2434) or discord (pikachi)