Experienced player looking for a guild:) Did AOTC before queen nerfs this season and 4\8M. Also reached 2.5k RIO on different healers this season.
Switched to tank role at the end of the season from a healer, cause im tired of healing^^. Still have many alts to help in M+ and raids if needed, but will focus on tanking for S2.
Mostly playing in M+ during the season and AOTC raiding in first 1-2 months. Wanna push high keys and MAYBE do some mythic raiding in S2.
My VDH is 615 ilvl and around 1800 RIO. Almost fully clear HC raid and trying to reach KSM in next week:) If you dont mind spent some time in +8 keys, while im still learning, here’s my contact:
Reign is currently looking for chilled HC raiders that are no drama, no nonsense and just want to game and enjoy the social element whilst going at the raids or pushing keys. We’re an age 21+ bunch with lives outside of WoW and enjoy chatting, raiding and running keys together too. Adults, who have adult lives where WoW is our escape. Our team currently ranges between the ages of 23-57 from different walks of life. We are open to cross-faction players and players with varying experience. Many of us have known each other for years and are always open to welcome new people into our community. People who understand that real life is a thing and wants to relax and enjoy the ride, but understand when we need to focus and get the job done
We can offer you
A social and relaxed environment
A helpful and friendly community
Plenty of laughs (hopefully!)
Raid Timings Mondays - 20:30-23:00hrs ST Fridays - 20:30-23:00hrs ST
If you are interested you can reach out to me, wicce, on discord
I come from bikini bottom, we’re a semi-hardcore raiding guild who is in dire need of healers. You sound like a healer, and I like the sound of that.
We raid on wednesday and sunday from 8-11 server time. We clear heroic every season and get about halfway through mythic most seasons. We are always aiming to push as far as we can, but we still like to maintain a light and fun atmosphere.
If you’re still looking for a guild, I’d love to have a chat with you.
Feel free to message me on:
Discord - walrusmaster
Battlenet - HighNoot#2484