The Berrybush was created with a semi-Hardcore raiding mindset. We will be doing 2 evenings a week of progression Raiding and we have 1 night a week of Casual raiding for alts & players that wish to not have to stress about progression content.
Progression Raiding will include both Heroic and Mythic Raiding (when ready) - These days include Wednesday and Thursday at 7pm UK until 9pm UK, however we expect people to be on 15mins early for raid invites and to ensure you have time to have flasks and consumables etc ready.
Casual Raiding will take on Saturdays. This is for alts and newer players looking to get into raiding in a safe environment.
We will have Mythic dungeon days assigned to allow people to have an easier time finding groups for keys.
Everyone in the guild is expected to come to raids with a positive non-toxic attitude, willing to improve themselves and make friends. Anyone shown to be toxic will be instantly removed from the guild.
All content will be streamed on Twitch.
If you wish to chat about joining then please add ‘Bizzleberry’ on Discord / Twitch or reply below!