Will try find it
Hereโs the discord for Dragonfang https://discord.gg/R5EyhZY
Bump it uppppppppppppppp
Is there any new Skullflame server?
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up and away!
Classic PVP & Theory Craft
bump it up
The flamelash discord seems pretty dead?
The flamelash discord seems pretty dead?
Judgement server: discord.gg/pEh8DQq
Bump it up
Mandokir PvP:
https:// discord.gg/5VNyqg
Classic PvP has expired
up it up up up yes
most of the links done even work.
Skullflame is perfectly fine now mate https:// discord.gg/Gjbuds6
bump it up squads
Anyone for a new Skullflame discord?
Judgement PVP - https: //discord . gg/ RJ3W6Z
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