[EU][A/H] DPS LF Raiding Guild 19:00 or Earlier Raid Start Time, weekdays

Hi guys,

I’m a warlock main since TBC. Played all expansions barring Cata and MoP.

Semi-Hardcore player looking to progress more in raids this Xpac.

I’m currently playing a Frost DK at 607 ilvl and have a 586 warlock as well which I am willing to gear up.

While I havent played every season since legion, I’ve focused mostly on M+ since I was in a guild with friends where we didnt have a full roster to push mythic raids (though we did our best).

My raiding history is:

Legion: I dont remember exactly but I think i got 60-80% of all bosses on mythic in all seasons.

BFA: Didnt raid.

Shadowlands:8/10 castle Nathria; 3/10 SOD; 3/11 SFO

DF: 5/8 VOTI; Didnt raid after this one.

M+ History:

You can see my M+ and raid history over 2 characeters in SLands and DF:
https://raider.io/characters/eu/draenor/Bobsinjoo - Tanked in DF as my guild needed that.

I’m looking for guilds that Raid in EU around 1900 ST. or even earlier. Standard raid times of 2000 ST is a bit late for me as I am from India (0030 Local Time). I hope to push into CE this xpac in a few seasons.

So you just wiped again and inspect the players around you, just to discover that they have blue gear and none speaks ingrish? Why punish yourself any longer? Join SaveCowEatPanda discord.gg/hrzF4ru and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community