My progress so far is 10/10 HC CN. I am looking for a friendly guild for learning raids and m+. I am a MM hunter with 210 ilvl. Character transfer isn’t an issue.
My requirements for a guild:
- Friendly atmosphere. I want to learn and progress in raids in a positive environment where players don’t get triggered after wipes.
- Active members
- Players who want to join m+ groups and willing to share some secrets and tips
- Preferably adult members. Some young fellas with a good sense of humour doesn’t hurt
More than happy to join a guild starting progression at CN on normal or heroic!
I prefer raiding times 10.00 - 15.00 CST.
Hello we are RX and we raid 10pm server time to 12:30 you can check us out at
Add Axel#2566 for more information
Thank you
Hey Jymy 
We’re a friendly guild that offers a nice atmosphere, Heroic Raiding (currently 7/10), M+, and also other game experiences and shenanigans on Discord.
We’re all adult players, many of us have kids, so we do put RL before ingame. All of us do sport some good humor aswell 
This is our Recruitment Post: Click!
Just want to mention though, we Raid from 8:30 PM - 11 PM CET ond Thursday and Sunday
Shoot a message or come by our Discord in our Post if you’re interested!
Hey dude, we would be happy to have you, although we are just starting out