[EU][H]Draenor] <The Problem> 2 Night Mythic - Recruiting DPS


In 10.1 we won’t be sweating for world ranks but we will be aiming to get Cutting Edge in a good amount of time.


We are currently looking for a Havoc - Demon Hunter and a Mage! (other Dps will be considered too) Please feel free to get in touch if you’ve previously mythic raided or want to start!

Raid Info

Schedule: Wednesday & Sunday (20:30-23:30 Server Time, invites go out 15 mins before.) Repairs and feasts/pots/vantus runes are provided by the guild.

What else do we do?

What else do we do? M+ is the primary activity we get together for outside of raid times, either to help each other out with their weekly vaults or to push score. Occasionally we organise social nights, to get together to drink and play party games.

Contact Info

If you’re interested in joining us, please contact us so we can chat and see if we vibe :smiley: :
Discord: Reewoo#1852, Chalkali#1451, Gillette#0176 or Daftharry1#5358
Bnet: Reewoo#2663

Alternatively, we have an application form if that’s more your style: forms.gle/8bA8kFxw3PYAWomT8

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