Delete post pls

I got trolled by friends LOL


Neither. It’s prepatch.


None. This is not new.


Heavily abused cases will most likely get banned. So don’t worry about that. Pre-patches have always been wonky, and I’ve kinda accepted that, but that isn’t to say it’s right.


No they won’t. If they are using in-game mechanics such as trinkets that give bigger numbers from previous expansions, why would they get banned? That makes no sense. If they were abusing a glitch using those trinkets, that’s a different story.


Will never understand people defending “Its prepatch chill”

Aren’t we supposed to enjoy the game at any time?

Prepatch is open alpha.


So uhm… the highest is a 32 and it’s done with current gear

Here’s the highest

What’s the point of fixing lvl 50 content when the new lvl is lvl 60.
It’s like saying they should fix lvl 30 content so you can do ICC without overpowered gear combinations.
It won’t be played in a few months time. They gear will be pointless aswell.
Don’t worry about it to much.

Isn’t that saying “It’s fine that 8.0 sucks, it’s only here for couple of months”



Can you link me these trinkets i’d like to test them out and see if it’s true.


When did we come to the point where this is apparently normal? Why should it be okay that the game is completely broken until you hit 60?

Just remove leveling entirely then.


It’s pretty false as nobody has done anything higher than a +32 and even that was just 1 chested so I’d like to see these +35s with 100k DPS


Yes, yes it is (though it’s 9.0). It’s fine that it sucks at level 50, as long as it sucks in the right way (players OP instead of UP). Do you really want devs to pour resources into tuning content that is

  1. Old
  2. About to be replaced
  3. Less rewarding than it used to be (many achievements/rewards no longer available)

We are always overpowered in the prepatch because the tuning is rudimentary and pretty much only makes sure we’re not weaker than before. They don’t fix broken, only gloriously broken.

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Its pre patch chill.
Its alpha chill.
Its beta chill.
Blizzard will fix it later chill.
Its the end of the expansion and Blizzard will fix it in the next one chill.


Yes, I want them to pour resources and not to play beta, thank you very much.

Every single patch in wow is about to be replaced, should the whole game suck now?

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I want to know what trinkets it is :smile:

Exactly this, some people are just hoplessly optimistic, or like to make them dumb every 2 years.

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Alright, they just have to remove essences and Azerite traits (and add generic armor pieces for those slots), give us covenants and soulbinds and legendaries and everything still missing in our spellbooks at level 50, and even then the tuning probably won’t be done because it’s not done on beta yet. And, that would only tune classes, not content.

I mean sure it would be “nice” if the game were brilliantly balanced at every level, but this feels so low priority.

9.0 to Shadowlands is like a two month period, and it would have been shorter if not for Covid screwing with development. We’re talking a lot of changes over a short timespan. The changes from 9.0 to 9.1 aren’t going to be half as substantial as the ones from 8.3 to 9.0 (so less of a balancing task), nor is the environment going to be a short-lived (so the balancing investment pays off for longer).

I will not defend Blizzard if balance sucks at level 60. But making it not suck at 60 happens by tuning the beta, not by tuning 9.0 BfA. Doing the latter only takes resources away from doing the former.

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All they need to do is fix bugs and tune the heck out of their game.

There is no difference between now and 8.2 systems except the new class changes.

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“Keep paying, sucker. Your money right now or yesterday is all we care about. Now give it to us, our preciousss $!” (Translated from Corporatese)

For the record , I have no idea, but Motherlode red button rocket trinket is hilariously strong now. Maybe not as much as to be broken, but when it hits for like 30% and crits for more than half of your HP, you know something’s not quite right. Unless it scales too well with something in Frost DK kit.