Even carbot is laughing at us

Not fun for new players like this you may drive away though

Yeah nothing to do with blizzard making the game in a way that promotes buying tokens and boosting, totally the boosters fault for taking advantage of the system they created :innocent:

So you bash on subnumbers, but you are bullying all the new players yourself away :thinking:


Did you ever consider that they could look to XIV and see that they donā€™t focus on pvp at all. Decide its not worth the time, and just make wow with more fluff and social content instead of having any pvp development. They make what the masses want, not what the niche want.

the guy is not stuck at 1400 because of boosters, even with the worst buyers that are hardest to boost I carry them around 1800-1900 mmr so this fallacy that new players are gatekept by boosters is just 100% wrong, he would never play against me even if he was 300 cr higher.

My chin is itchy

read this.

this is already the case, we get one new pvp map every 6 years. Balance patches basically do not exist, and if they happen they change the wrong stuff.

Even if they change the wrong stuff from your point of view, they do happen. You seem to be operating with conflicting goals in mind.

You want arena to be better and get more content thrown its way, yet you operate to reduce the amount of participants in arena. How can you then expect that Blizzard will have a eureka moment and decide to create more content for a smaller and smaller niche?
That seems like it would be throwing away resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

But hey keep working against your own goals.

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FF14 have boobs and cat girls.

While WoW is still as prude as ever, never adding any more lewd armors.

Ofc people would eventually jump ship to better games

From what Iā€™ve read they even have separate abilities for PvP, so itā€™s basically two different games, whatā€™s even the point then.
But, yeah, cat girls.

Were they ever?

Then it would be a game that aimed its focus on mythic raiders and 5v5, what is your point exactly?

Easier to balance maybe, same as pvp talents in WoW.

Point is that the small Elitist minority would remain in the game and the main bulk or at least what is left of the people will leave.
Because most of us are casuals who donā€™t give a damn about Rio de Janeiro score and
we most certainly donā€™t give a damn about simping for Echo people.

And so you Elitist minority of people will remain playing amongst yourselves haha :laughing:.

You donā€™t have to believe me :smiley: you will see for yourself in the future and say damn Hali was right all along.

Sigh. have a rough guess.

No, this is.

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Wildstar already tried that, didnā€™t work too well. Still, it might be possible to keep it profitable as a raiding simulator because theyā€™ll cut a huge amount of costs from world content.

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WoW literally has more players than the weeb MMO yet WoW is the ā€œdead gameā€.


not ā€˜MANYā€™, a very vocal few doā€¦ people who spend all their time around these forumsā€¦

truth is the guy is right most average players do not give a crap about those things. and it wont change anything to them.

Yes so Blizzard should have learned from Wildstars mistake and not make the game for Elitist minority but sadly it seems they are stubborn as a mule.

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And again what is your point?

A game having a target audience and catering too it. I donā€™t have an issue with that. How does that make me elitist?

I replied to souldefiler about the comment about me explaining to someone else that a social casual mmo design, having social casual players makes sense. Because that is how catering to your target audience works.

I would prefer to see a game that offers something for hardcore players, casual players, social players and solo players. I think more options is better then fewer but thats just my opinion.