Even World PvP is ruined

Who decided to run PvP to the ground so hard that even world PvP is ruined?

All you get is ganked by 8 of them after long time of not seeing any of them. They fly all over your head and gank you at their leisure, while you can’t fly.

So ANOTHER unfair ‘unequality’ introduced with the people that can afford to waste months to do those ‘pathfinder’ things, and those that can’t, so rich vs. poor again, geared vs. nongeared and now…


How unfair does blizz want to make this game?

Back in the day, NO ONE could fly, and we had epic world PvP experiences. Now the rich people can fly and poor people can’t, and it’s brutal for the poor people (as always in this world).

Things are more equal when NO ONE can fly in PvP. Why even let people fly in PvP? You don’t let people fly in BGs, why let them fly in the world PvP situations?

Warmode should instantly ground you or something.

Anyway, tank DH is so stalkable now, it’s ridiculous (just as a sidenote) - druid, rogue and DK (and a DH) stalked me half way through alterac valley and they would’ve been able to kill me (druid has ridiculous range when it shoots me constantly), but the ONLY thing that saved me was that the BG ended before they could finish me off.

Why not have at least ONE class that’s not stalkable? Just LET ME ESCAPE, for crying out loud! WHat harm is there for letting someone actually ESCAPE instead of making everything stalkable by psycho players that just can’t let go?

If I don’t mean to HARM anyone, why can’t I GO? It’s a different story if I turn and attack them, and then I can’t damage them much. I am fine with THAT.

But just LET ME ESCAPE, as the supposedly “OP” class and supposedly “fastest class”. WHY is Tank DH made SO unviable that it’s insane to even play it? WHYYYY???

Anyway, so BGs are hell, I don’t even dare try arenas, duels are hell (twinks can always kill ya - a 47k HP 117 mage can kill your 380K level 120 Shaman with a few pyros and you can’t do anything to stop it, IF you can even barely escape).

Tank DH can be killed multiple times in seconds in a BG.

And now World PvP … well, I’ll tell the whole story.

I went to Drustvar with assault going on, found a druid that I was able to kill a couple of times. Promising start.

Proceed further in, see some horde flying, can’t even target them before they’re too far. Let alone be able to use the Net-o-Matic. Bad sign.

See some ally players, but they dissipate quickly, it seems -everyone- can fly but me. What the heck is this? Not at all like it was back then when we killed probably hundreds of horde players in one sitting.

No group anywhere… not much communication. I see some mage I try to follow, but it’s flying, so I lose it. Then suddenly a russian paladin comes out of NOWHERE, stuns me, chases me, and 8 of horde appear also out of nowhere and gank me and I can’t escape at all and die on the spot.

What… the… heck was that??!

And this type of thing continues - even 116 players fly all over the place, and I can’t even target anything, and suddenly a flock lands near me and I am dead.

This is NOT FUN!

It used to be able to just come to the area, join a group, then we’d just find horde and kill them and it was fun battle.

Now it’s like I am alone on the ground against flying enemy that ganks me at their leisure after spotting me from 82 m altitude and as a group, telling each other to gank me.

So they have ruined all the FUN things, like DH tank being really fast, water mount being really fast, DH tank being unstalkable, Shaman being able to use lightning lasso while in ‘ghost wolf’ mode and running, the ‘mount speed-up flag’ working in Arathi Basin (oddly enough, it works in the AB Winter Brawl!) and other BGs that could really use it, riding a mount as a ‘funny form’ (as a bunny, deer, bear or any other animal - would be funny to ride a druid-deer as another deer - but not allowed)…

I don’t get all these arbitrary, fun-killing limitations they’ve introduced. These things used to work.

But the last bastion of hope, the world PvP, was also ruined together with everything, and the last straw is the disparity between ‘the have-flyings’ and the ‘have-not-flyings’. I will never have that kind of time and patience to do so much PvE to get the flying ability, so a PvP aspect is now unplayable for me.

Why can’t PvP be for PvP players? Why do we have to do so much PvE just to cope with basic PvP? Why can’t we earn flying by doing PvP only? Why why why??

WPvP is awesome in BfA! :slight_smile:


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