*EVENT EXTENDED* Feat of Strength - Arcane Influence

Yup I didn’t notice it until I was in work today and looked at my phone.
And People in an education can be just as unlcky with these kind of events as those that work. As you stated you were on holiday still, but depending where you live in Europe, the systems and holidays are all completely different.
Just a poorly organized event imho


I never disputed it wasn’t convenient. I think it’s awful timing, so I’m hoping they’ll extend it.

I appreciate that people missed it and I’m aware of the timezones of the EU. I play with people in lots of different countries. We tend to use server time for everything when making arrangements because it’s universal for us all.

This was the second time that evening it had been active, although I’m not sure when it first started. When I was in Valdrakken to create my mount, it said the next event would be 3 hours and 34 mins or something. So I made sure to pop back on around 2300 realm time to take part.

Most of us learn stuff via Wowhead and the like and they are very quick to publish anything they discover.

I don’t see why Blizz can’t run it until the end of the event, we have three more secrets to go for Whodunnit.

I know it’s only a FoS but lots of like getting them.

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And thats why i wrote the comment i wrote, kinda expected people to throw a fit. :<

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I do think I’d be disappointed if hadn’t been able to get it last night.


I got it last night after wowhead made a post but i wasn’t too bothered since it rewards nothing as far as i know.

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wtf did the event really already end? lol… honestly I dont have much problem being it such short, but at least give us in advance some notification about such event and at least 24h time to do it damnit, you release it at sunday in night when many people already sleep and it ends in monday at 3pm, when majority of people are still in work or school… extend it at least to todays 11pm or so pls, otherwise I dont see a point in such event

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aaaand this is why Im checking Wowhead everyday at the moment!
Managed to set my alarm to get the acheivement.
(I probably wouldnt of realiesed that there were more secrets after the puppy pet either without it).


Got home, logged on, saw a group still doing the event from 3am CEST (4h ago now) and once we got to like 30 people 5min before 7, we completed it with <3min left.

Got the achievement.

STILL, this was sheer luck, this was way too little time for many people.
But maybe Blizz listened, the event has now reset on the full hour.

edit: Ah, the tooltip says:

Empowerments remaining until forge is stable: 19

so it was most definitely extended.


Bah. Blizzard is weak!
Real men log in in the middle of the night!


Whilst sensible women get a good nights rest and take Mondays off work :smirk:


I just completed the event and got the achievement. It now says that the forge still needs 19 empowerments to become stable. Maybe Blizzard extended the event??

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Sounds like it!!

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Oh well, just did the event aswell and got the FoS achievement - so good news, probably extended <3 at the moment it says 19 empowerments still needed for forge to be stable




Yay, I just got the FoS - thanks for extending it Blizz (and you know I love you really :wink: ).


It’s great news, and gz!!

We even have a blue post now!

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Do we have any info about timers or how to achieve it today?

The cycle for timers remains the same as far as I’m aware.

3am > 7am > 11 am > 3pm > 7pm > 11 pm


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