*EVENT EXTENDED* Feat of Strength - Arcane Influence

In case people aren’t aware there is a FoS that is only available for a short time

I got mine tonight:-





Its nice to get so you can say “I was here” but it doesn’t reward anything so you’re not forced to.

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Do you actually need to craft the mount or do you just need to be there to get the achievement?

Got the achievement although wondered what was going on! It was only at the end when was being nosey about a sudden influx of players on the same mount, that googled the mount and went ahh! :grinning:


Be there, but try to be involved clicking on the orbs/ attacking the lightning thief elemental thingies

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I clicked a blue orb thing out of curiosity, achieved nothing, flew away to do some world quests, came back to valdrakken and it gave me the achievement.

I totally earned it :smiley:


I got it without even doing anything, lol. I was just AFKing in the crafting area. Saw it mentioned elsewhere and was like “What’s this then?” and opened up achievement tab and I had already obtained it, when I was AFK.

Indeed no one is forced to do it, but as it’s time limited I thought I’d give it a mention on the forums.

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The mount is separate to this FoS.

The forge is needed to craft the mount though, you just assemble it from the three parts in your bag while standing by the forge.

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Got the mount and FOS I was hella confused at first though ngl.

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Did it in the morning, there were like 5 of us doing it. Took some solid 40 minutes to complete.

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Is it to late already?

My FOMO radar goes beeeeep.

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You have time

To obtain the Feat of Strength Arcane Influence, you must participate in one of the remaining Empowering Forge events by at least touching one of the Power Source orbs scattered around Valdrakken during the event and staying nearby once the Forge is activated. The forge will be disturbed once every 4 hours and will become permanently empowered after 6 power-ups.

PDT Time CEST Time
September 10, 2 pm September 10, 11 pm
September 10, 6 pm September 11, 3 am
September 10, 10 pm September 11, 7 am
September 11, 2 am September 11, 11 am
September 11, 6 am September 11, 3 pm

So that’s 11 am and 3 pm. Good day to be struck down by the seasonal flu I suppose.


Randomly got this achievement for teleporting back to town interacting with a random power node in the central square… didn’t even know what it was. XD

11am and no sparks :confused:

There is a handy note if you hoover your mouse on the map above the forge’s icon, when will be the next one
One more hour

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Is this out of season april’s fool joke?

You introduce time limited event AT NIGHT for EU players and end it at 3pm when most people are still at work?

Great job. Thanks.



It’s 10 am.
11 am is in 45 (ish) minutes.

ahh thought it was CEST and not in game time… thanks

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