*EVENT EXTENDED* Feat of Strength - Arcane Influence

It’s starting!

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Wrong. Last opportunity is today at 3pm CEST.

I missed the first two events, because who would think that this event would have a time-limited achievement at some random day, the next would’ve been 3am, and I made the decision to not set an alarm, didn’t get enough sleep the past few days anyway. Then at 7am I was already on the commute to work, now it’s 11am, that and 3pm I’ll miss because you guessed it, I’m at work.

Really, the only true opportunities were 7pm and 11pm yesterday, and there was no heads-up for this, to the contrary, it’s been stated that the event objectives would remain available even after the event itself had ended.

This achievement needs to be extended until the end of the actual event, at least, or made permanent. (keep it as a FoS, no one really cares about achievement points, this isn’t Xbox)


Which it does. The forge thing remains. You can craft the mount there.
It’s only a feat of strength you’d miss out on. It doesn’t ‘do’ anything.

Then why do you ‘need’ to get it?

I don’t ‘need’ it, but it’s sucky that only the few people that did the thing immediately (or idled around the area, looking at replies here and elsewhere) had realistic chances of getting this, exacerbated by the truly unfortunate timing for EU players in general.

Even for the Cutting Edge/High Glad achievements there’s a timeframe of several months, and we know about them ahead of time.

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Fair enough. It sucks that they give so little thought to regions that are NOT the USA.
But… It doesn’t matter if you ‘miss out’, realistically.

That’s something entirely different. You can’t compare those things.

Yay now got the mount, the forge looks to now be permanently empowered :+1:

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So I’ve missed this FoS due to having to work on a Monday. I know this is highly unusual, so I guess I’m just unlucky. /s

DF is now edging ahead of SL in the “most annoying expack” stakes.

Would it have been hard to make it 48 hours, or start it a day early, or at least announce it a day in advance?

No, it would not.

But then Blizz is just a small indie start-up so perhaps my expectations are too high.

Or maybe they are playing nudge theory tricks on us to make sure we stay constantly plugged into the game psychologically, if not literally (my new conspiracy theory). After all, the attention economy is the thing these days isn’t it?


Hopefully if they see enough feedback like this, they’ll extend it.


Hopefully, but that’s not really a proper solution to the deeper problem. Putting to one side the possibility that this is an “on purpose”, I feel that DF has had too many cases of predictable and avoidable problems going live and having to be fixed in retrospect. No-one can predict player behaviour perfectly, true, but launching a FoS on a Sunday night was always going to be a problem for many players.


I got the mount.
I don’t have the achievment.

The arcane forge can be used anytime, not just while the charging is going on. So yes you can create your mount and not get the achievement. You have to be in Valdrakken when people are charging the font up. The times are given in my opening post. They are all for realm time.

Sources for charging appear around Valdrakken, once you pick one up you are slowed and can only hold it for a limited time. You have to throw it to another player and you can basically keep running ahead of each other to make your way to the font. It will spawn elemental mobs to come and steal the charges so people need to stay on top of killing those.

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Event is up


annddddddd I missed it. I only found out about this as soon as my guildies got it. Yay!!! AWESOME!!! Why fomo an achievement for less than two days?


Actually not even a day. It started yesterday 23:00 and went only for 16 hours 5 times for 150 people per realm.


I only got it because Puny made this thread and I was able to log in and do the 11am one today as I currently have Mondays off work, but most people work Monday to Friday 9-5 so this was a really unfair event timing wise.


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe it was a special event for the unemployed :-/

Whilst I agree it was short notice to find out about the event and that it’s not on very long but it’s a bit much to make digs. This started on Sunday evening. Or do you work 24/7.

It started at 10pm and ended at 6.
I have to sleep around 10 and drive to work at 6am. Plus you need to take into account not all the countries in Europe have the same time. They swing an hour or more either way. Most people who work will be preparing to knock off around 10-ish and wont have time to get up and play before work, especially those who have young families.
It’s just a dumb time to run an event.
Do it as a weekend event, that runs sat an sun, then everyone gets a chance. Unfortunately most us have to work to pay for the sub

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It whas posted on WoWhead 20 hours ago. That means unless someone suddenly goes on WoWhead just before sleeping again he will miss it as most people start playing 19:00-20:00. Also the time of notification before it happens whas on a fansite only 2 hours so unless you suddenly need something from WoWhead or are by accident in valdrakken when it starts and decide to stay with it, you will miss it.

Only UK, Portugal, Ireland and Iceland are this early. Most of Europe is adding another hour and then there is eastern europe and Finnland having another hour on the clock meaning for them the even started at midnight in the change from Sunday to monday.
So yes this is a time where most of europe sleeps and works.

There was one before that as well. I didn’t know anything about it which is why I shared it on the forums. So that other people might be able to get their FoS too.

But I think we are getting off track. I understand the criticism that it needs to run into at least another evening, if not longer.

Having a dig at people who have different work schedules to you or may not be employed, are students etc is not helpful to anyone. It’s just snide.