Hi, i have readed on facebook group that we only can obtain mount through first char, is that true?
Meaning rest mounts will recieve shapped heart, however it wont contain mount?
Hello Endoraftw,
The chances of getting it will be notably higher for the first attempt each day, but it is still possible to get from additional boxes.
Check out this post for more info:
Best of luck to you, and everyone else still going for their love rocket mount this year!
Edit to include my reply below:
Right so I can see now that this is part of a much wider discussion/point of confusion and wanted to elaborate a bit:
Please note that Customer Support shouldn’t be used as a source of truth for drop-rates or other internal specifics. As such, please don’t make tickets for this, or treat information provided in ticket replies as official announcements (especially if it conflicts with other publicly available information, or where no public information exists).
I didn’t intend to provide any new information, but rather point out the already published details regarding the X-45 Heartbreaker mount (which as far as I know is still correct, but if it has indeed changed, Customer Support should again not be the source of any such announcement).
Part of the confusion here also seems to stem from this being conflated with a new mount, Love Witch’s Sweeper, which may work differently.
As a general point it’s typically up to the community at large to collaborate and discover how these things work but if there is a need for clarification or a big change is coming, keep an eye out for official announcements (typically via Community Managers, or the website news/blog).
Hello Tyrskorn!
There has been much confusing info around from your GMs.
First attempt on battle.net account a day? First character a day? First WoW a day?
Is drop rate after first one same as it was before these changes?
The check out more info link is from 2023, stuff has changed since then
Right so I can see now that this is part of a much wider discussion/point of confusion and wanted to elaborate a bit:
Please note that Customer Support shouldn’t be used as a source of truth for drop-rates or other internal specifics. As such, please don’t make tickets for this, or treat information provided in ticket replies as official announcements (especially if it conflicts with other publicly available information, or where no public information exists).
I didn’t intend to provide any new information, but rather point out the already published details regarding the X-45 Heartbreaker mount (which as far as I know is still correct, but if it has indeed changed, Customer Support should again not be the source of any such announcement).
Part of the confusion here also seems to stem from this being conflated with a new mount, Love Witch’s Sweeper, which may work differently.
As a general point it’s typically up to the community at large to collaborate and discover how these things work but if there is a need for clarification or a big change is coming, keep an eye out for official announcements (typically via Community Managers, or the website news/blog).
Stop giving AI-generated answers and especially stop shifting responsibility. Not to mention that you’re openly saying you’re not accountable for anything, and that every response is just a joke.
Do you realize that people are spending dozens of hours farming attempts, and you can’t even confirm whether it can drop or not ?
Do you really think this is acceptable behavior?
You’re the ones causing confusion every year by saying that certain items don’t drop after the first attempt of the day —only for the community to later debunk it (this happened with Midsummer , Tyrael’s Charger , and last year’s X-45 Heartbreaker , among others).
Can you just make up your minds and give the community a clear answer?
Can mounts drop after the first attempt of the day, including the new ones, or not?
It would be very important for some of us if one of you were able to get info from the devs, if there’s been a change such as the mount can only drop from the first kill of the day, because that’s what the heart-shaped box says, its description has been changed, which means either a dev stealth-changed the description, or he also changed the way it drops, this is useful to hear for both the rocket for people who still need it and for those of us who didn’t get any luck with the new sweeper mount.
As it is currently, missing out on the new mount despite having 100+ toons is horrible, and even more horrible if we run them through for nothing (as the previous poster said, it takes many hours a day), atm based on the evidence I’m seeing I shouldn’t even do my runs apart from the first of the day, and it was a thing I liked doing that helped against bad luck.
Why there is no ofical information then? It’s a big deal for those who wants the mount and its kinda simples just say if it drops or not. Why are you guys keeping us in the dark???
Hello there,
I’ve got over 6000 try since this event and this mount have been around and it’s the only obtainable mount I’m missing.
It’s frustrating to farm on a time-limited event every year for what ? 15 years ?
Some precise information would be welcome.
Official clarification here by CM Kaivax:
We have many examples of people getting the Love Witch’s Sweeper after the first daily attempt.
Hopeful that someone is keeping up with the wowhead comments over bonus loot chance for 5 accounts per day under same bnet if you queue them all together. That’s 75 chances per year instead of the intended 15.
Now that everybody knows about this trick, can you fix the exploit and increase the default drop chance even further for the handful of individuals living under the rock? I apologize for snitching but if something isn’t done about this right now it will soon become the new normal for every future event going forward.
No one here would like to see low level characters entirely excluded from obtaining rare rewards, as such was the case with older versions of the game; however, you need to work a little harder to discourage degen behavior in players.