[Event] Shipwrecked Night Elves - Event Video! šŸ“½

In-Game Name: Glaedr
In-Character Name: Glaedr
Occupation: Hunter / Wanderer
Participating on: All days

Kudos to you three for organizing!
Iā€™m looking forward to being a participant after so long, nelf community events like these are something I really miss doing !

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I can only be there on Friday past midnight-ish, but Iā€™ll be there for the other two days, both during the day and evening!

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In-Game Name: Frostvine
In-Character Name: Yandra Frostvine
Occupation: (e.g. Sentinel) Druid
Participating on: Hopefully all days - Friday, Saturday, Sunday

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In-Game Name: Omelas
In-Character Name: Omelas
Occupation: Highborne Demonologist
Participating on: All three days.

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Sure are alot of Highborne coming out of the woodwork suddenly :smirk:

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I approve of choosing Highborne for warlock! Going to be interesting to see how the other characters react to it.

To keep the immersion of fel users being a rarity among the Night Elf population, weā€™ll limit fel users (warlock, Demon Hunter etc.) to a couple spots.


Iā€™m applying on my Demon hunter, but in the event that there are too many Demon hunters/warlocks I am more than happy to come on my Druid instead.

In-Game Name: Nemyurae
In-Character Name: Nemyurae
Occupation: Illidari Demon Hunter
Participating on: Hopefully all three days, at least Saturday and Sunday


In-Game Name: Syreail
In-Character Name: Syreail
Occupation: Druid of the Claw
Participating on: Hopefully all three days, at least Saturday and Sunday

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If thereā€™s still room, Iā€™d love to join in on my Priestess character. Glad youā€™re organising this!

In-Game Name: Leysana
In-Character Name: Leysana Silverthorn
Occupation: Priestess
Participating on: Should be able to do all days.

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Are there still available spots for another kaldorei in this event?

Hi! Yes, there are still available spots. People can keep track of the sign-up numbers in the 2nd post:

As of writing this, thereā€™s 16 people signed up, and 14 spots still free. Please drop your sign-up form below if youā€™re interested!

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Yes I would very much like to join. I was prevented from participating yesterday but very happy there is still room.

In-Game Name: Silaere
In-Character Name: Silaere Nightsong
Occupation: Feral Druid
Participating on: all days

Edit: Canā€™t make it until 20:30ish because of kidsā€™ bedtime

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God I am SO down for this!
In-game Name: Gwyd(d)hienne
In-character Name: Gwydhienne Spiritsong
Occupation: Priestess
Participating:- optimally all three days!


I would like to sign in with my lazy sentinel if possible still ^^.

In-Game Name: Equality
In-Character Name: Vrinā€™la Moonbound
Occupation: Sentinel
Participating on: All days hopefully.

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In-Game Name: NilethƬl
In-Character Name: Nilethil
Occupation: Sentinel, Former Temple Guard
Participating on: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, all the way unless IRL matters pop up.


In-Game Name: Helwyr Hornmantle
In-Character Name: Helwyr
Occupation: Druid of the Stag
Participating on: Friday, Saturday and Sunday


In-Game Name: Fenindis Stormsoar
In-Character Name: Fenindis
Occupation: Druid of the Talon
Participating on: Most likely all days

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Sign-up format (night elves only):

In-Game Name: Silverdrake
In-Character Name: Silverdrake
Occupation: Soldier
Participating on: All days

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Lotsa famous people joining this event!

Telaryn, Gwyddhienne, Acrona and Lintian!

Iā€™ll put all my DMing capabilities into making everyone else more famous! Many a grand tale shall be woven about oarjutsu and polymorph gone wrong!

Related to the theme, found old videos of past shipwrecked events Iā€™ve hosted 6-7 years ago. Hope this will be as much fun as they were!


Looks like so much fun! Canā€™t wait for this one!