[Event] Shipwrecked Night Elves - Event Video! 📽

In-Game Name: Terravive
In-Character Name: Sister Terravive (No surname)
Occupation: Huntress
Participating on: With any luck, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

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Signed you up!

Gwyddhienne had to cancel as well, so there’s another spot up for grabs. Isil Theran now has 4/5 members signed up, so if one of them is interested, please feel free to!


In-Game Name: Faeyneris
In-Character Name: Faeyneris Ashnight
Occupation: Warden of the Shadowleaf Watchers
Participating on: Saturday & Sunday


I should honestly make a Night Elf for these kind of events. This looks simply awesome!

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Those who’ve signed up, here’s the link to the event’s Discord server! Please change your name to correspond the character name you’ve signed up with, and you’ll be given the attendee role to view the channels.

As mentioned before, joining the Discord server isn’t mandatory if you’d rather follow updates on the forum thread. It’s however good for notifying if you’re coming late to an event, sharing screenshots, or LFRP before the event hours on Saturday and Sunday.


Yes, yes you should. Next time!


The time is drawing close! :sailboat: :ocean: Here’s some tidbits on NPCs you’ll see on Friday - more might appear as the event progresses!

Captain Lunarbay : Owns the ship Moonsail. Has the reputation of a seasoned seafarer, his kin having rarely seen him on land for the past decades. A rumour claims Lunarbay lost his eye swashbuckling against a hundred Horde soldiers during the Fourth War, rescuing his crew on an enemy ship. In his underwear. With a butter knife.

Daila Everdew : A young priestess serving the Temple of Elune in Val’sharah. Learning of the trouble brewing in the forest, Daila reached out to her kin in Kalimdor for help.

Tyri : A crew member, Tyri’s manners are as spiced as her cooking on the ship. The latter may be why she was recently put to manage the bar instead of the kitchen, for the better or worse remains to be seen.

Other news: there’s 3 spots free if you’re interested in signing up!

Discord link for the attendees: https://discord.gg/HMqeH3dk


In-Game Name: Idrisal
In-Character Name: Idrisal Shanir
Occupation: Grovetender of the Shadowleaf Watchers
Participating on: Available on all three days

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In-Game Name: Mortdorei
In-Character Name: Mortimer Fargrove
Occupation: Watcher of Shadowleaf Watchers
Participating on: Saturday and Sunday (tentative for Friday)

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Welcome, added you both! Feel free to join the campaign Discord.

Looking forward to tonight! I’ll be online on Acrona, though I’ll be NPCing for a good part of Friday on my other account - you can prod Aymeric and Ryldor for raid invite too. Please be on time in Boralus/Tiragarde Sound - we’ll check the state of world quests before picking the ship to use for the evening.


In-Game Name:Starfeatherr
In-Character Name:Kelatriel Starfeather
Participating on: Saturday and Sunday


Friday recap & a lead-up to Saturday event time:

The first night of travel saw a bustle on the deck. Night elves from many walks of life had answered Val’sharah’s call for aid; druids, sentinels, watchers, priestesses - even a couple demon hunters were spotted standing firm against the needling stares of the mariners. Conversations were had, acquaintances were made, and seafaring was embraced with varying degrees of enthusiasm or unease.

Priestess Daila Everdew was unsure of what exactly the fighters were up against, but shared what she knew of the situation so far. Dryads had gone missing, druids murdered, and a lone survivor found in shambles heralding a mad prophecy, “She comes, she comes. Power from beyond returns to claim its prize.”

Through prayer, Daila claimed to have been granted a warning from Elune, a vision of Val’sharah consumed by a hungering darkness. Its denizens turned into twisted shadows enslaved by black behemoths. The sky was starless with clouds of ash, and where the forest once grew fruit, now hung wicked eyes from writhing branches.

“The goddess couldn’t have spoken more clearly. I knew then that the danger of facing this threat alone is real, and reached out to Kalimdor,” Daila concluded, before noting that in Val’sharah they would join with her sisters from the Temple of Elune and the druids of Lorlathil.

After the speech, the priestess offered blessings to those who sought it. In a tradition as old as time, she touched each person on their heart, then the forehead, indicating the symbolic unity of thought and spirit. “May Elune watch over you and yours.”

The journey was long, and to help pass the time Aymeric organized a match of fish ball, a game he allegedly learnt from sea giants who had once captured him. Two teams competed in kicking the ‘fish’ in the opposing team’s goal post, rousing cheer and amusement among the audience.

The crew let the passengers roam around the ship, and Captain Lunarbay even allowed one of them to fire a cannon in exchange of helping in the kitchen. Idrisal’s joy was short-lived compared to the time he’d deal with a mountain of dirty dishware, yet surely it was worth it? Meanwhile in their curiosity, some individuals stumbled into a cell room in the depths of the hold. Two sentinels stood watch over a shifty worgen reportedly lost to the Curse. Maybe the druids of Dreamgrove would be able to help him contain the beast within.

Others might’ve encountered a small elven man, huddled to himself and mumbling incessantly.

Many were approached by the ship’s crew member Tyri who was eager to have the passengers sample her treats and pass on a good word to the Captain.

Toward dawn, the conversations thinned and sea shanties dwindled. One by one, the passengers tucked themselves into a hammock or a quiet nook. Some slept, some meditated, others turned and tossed.

During the following day, Kalimdor’s northernmost coastlines fell from sight entirely. The journey remained steady with a flat sea until sunset, the offshore wind picking up an hour before Saturday’s event time. Those unaccustomed to seafaring may experience nausea creeping in once Moonsail, despite her great size, begins to rock like a baby cradled by all-too mothering ocean waves.

More screenshots from Friday:


In-Game Name: Djurae
In-Character Name: Llana
Occupation: Wanderer
Participating on: (Hopefully) Saturday & Sunday

Besides my late application; Awesome idea and initiative for an event!
I’d love to see what you do in the future :).

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That was fast! I only just updated the sign-up list, you’re welcome to join for the ride today and tomorrow! Please join the campaign Discord, some of us are already roleplaying on the ship as well :sailboat:

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Saturday recap:

It was as if the pent-up fury of a mad god upon them. Moonsail was caught in a magical anomaly of a storm, lightning pummeling the arcane barriers the mages struggled to maintain. Elves rushed back and forth securing cargo on the ship until the turbulence became too much, and all they could worry about was securing themselves.

Taking the tidal waves head-on, Moonsail’s great mast snarled against the sail-wrenching winds. Magic throbbed in the whirling clouds.

Despite their best efforts, the night elves stood no chance against the hurricane. The last thing they could remember was a towering wall of water crashing down, the wail of the ship, and the defeating embrace of dark wet coldness.

The survivors awakened stranded on a remote island. Moonsail’s skeletal hull was splintered across the shore, the beach littered by wreckage and dead bodies. The latter disappeared here and there as they drew ravenous creatures to a feast. Broken but breathing, people set up camp in a sheltered nook between jagged cliffs.

Magic was of no use here. A priestess sought to heal her comrade’s wounds, but filled them with dirt. A druid attempted to shapeshift into a bird and turned into fidgeting fish. A mage whispered an incantation, only to be silenced by their own hand glued to their mouth for the next half an hour.

The starving night elves formed two groups to find food and learn about the island, while others stayed at camp to care for the injured and find supplies on the shore.

The first group encountered murlocs. Through no easy communication, they discovered the tribe harbored a hatred for Azshara’s naga. Somehow, you got on the chief’s good side, and they ushered the elves into one of the island’s caverns where they encountered a sea giant. In their current state, the night elves were in no position to fight such a foe, and through their cunning, they acquired two tenuous allies against the naga allegedly ailing the island.

The second group journeyed to the centre of the island, where they spotted a white, marble-like structure sticking out of a water-filled crater. Upon closer inspection, they could see it was half-finished, or perhaps just damaged yet still partially brimming with arcane magic. The group found damp spots in the sand surrounding the crater, which were weakened water elementals trying to escape. They blamed the “pillars” that the naga had constructed and promised their aid should they destroy the remaining two in the naga encampment to the south.

They also found a corpse in the crater belonging to a naga sorceress, who, they surmised, was killed by the elementals and it’d explain the unfinished state of the pillar. They then finished the job and destroyed it properly before returning to camp.

Lead-up to Sunday’s event:

Makeshift tents surround the campfire, built of scavenged materials to offer some shelter and privacy. It is difficult to keep track of hours with the sun refusing to show itself through the foreboding clouds hanging over the island. Survivors carefully ration containers of rainwater caught in the open. As for food - it’s mostly Crab á la Roast on the menu. Maybe stinky snail as a side dish and a soaked rice cake for dessert.

As the day goes on, discoveries about the island are shared. All clues point to the naga inhabiting the other side of the island, and for now, they seemed unaware of your presence. Their sorcerous pylons must cause the magical disturbance. The other inhabitants on the island may not be your friends, but you should combine your strength to fight against your common enemy.

Some of you have been crafting makeshift weapons, and others prepare healing remedies from the supplies found on the island. As you take care of each other to the best of your abilities, over the course of the day, heavy injuries become medium, and medium injuries become light.

( You’re welcome to do shipwrecked camp roleplay all afternoon, and carry out minor tasks on the nearby shore such as looking for lost heirlooms, or burying NPC mariners and passengers who didn’t survive. )

New NPCs encountered:

Gurggl: The hunting party encountered a murloc tribe and managed to communicate with their chief. The murlocs won’t raid your camp if you help them get rid of the naga on the island.

Bowbreaker: A sea giant encountered by the hunting group. Instead of getting stomped on, you managed to gain unexpected muscle on your side.

Water Eelementals : The exploration party encountered weakened water elementals stuck in sand. Their predicament allowed you to strike a deal with them.

Looking forward to the last stretch of the event! Kudos to Aymeric and Ryldor DMing the hunting and scouting parties!


Sunday recap:

The night elves’ camp was a testament to their resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity. It was a place where hope flickered, where the survivors, united by their shared ordeal, clung to the belief that soon they would return to civilization, leaving this cursed island far behind.

The shoreline, battered by relentless waves and littered with debris, painted a stark and haunting picture. Going about their tasks, some had stumbled upon scenes that sent chills down their spines—a grim tableau of death and despair. One of the cases was Tyri, the blue-haired crew member some of the passengers had met on the ship. The vultures had already had their fill before a humble burial could be arranged for her.

There were many mounds for those lost in the shipwreck. Someone would have to pay for the death still reeking in the air.

The elves prepared to battle at night. One group joined the assault with the mottled legion of murlocs, and with the sea giant’s help entered a cavern that led right into the naga settlement. Recovering from the initial surprise, the serpent foes charged in waves. The fighters met them with the ferocity of the Night Warrior. What the murlocs lacked in stature, they made up in numbers.

A different group stealthed to open fire from the other side of the settlement, but as they felled a myrmidon they erred to rouse the attention of a mighty naga witch. It was a tough fight to win against her chaotic powers.

Chipping at their enemy’s defenses, the two groups advanced into the heart of the serpents’ hold, where they battled a monstrous naga brute touched by the Void. The night elves moved in harmony, their camaraderie evident in their strategic maneuvers, and felled the beast. Through risky means, the pylons were destroyed, returning magic within one’s grasp. Released from their distress, the water elementals proved true to their promise, supporting the elves from afar.

A portal flashed at the top of the settlement, and the mages could trace its destination to be somewhere in Val’sharah. Exhausted from battle, the elves chose not to pursue the runaways. Everyone gathered, a portal was created to the vicinity of Lorlathil instead, where the ragtag group was welcomed with curiosity followed by compassion as Daila Everdew explained the situation to the town’s denizens.

Though the heroes didn’t know it at first, getting shipwrecked might have allowed them to cut off a snake’s head what came the threat Val’sharah faced. Finding the strays was of great importance to root out the trouble once and for all, but first rest was necessary.

Enormous thanks to Ryldor and Aymeric for DMing Sunday’s epic battles! And massive kudos to everyone who participated in the campaign, it was great seeing so much interaction between the attendees! It was nice to laugh about some things together on the Discord too. We really hope you enjoyed the setting and the events. :sailboat: :ocean: :ring_buoy:

Since we ran a bit late last night, the DMs decided to cut some things out toward the end. Because of this, to resolve the threat proper from in-character point of view, there’ll be an additional event tonight by Aymeric for attendees who’d like to participate in some extra naga hunting in Val’sharah. :crossed_swords: But the shipwrecked part has concluded!

Any comments and feedback on the event series is welcome! Maybe another campaign will be hosted in a year’s time… :grin: The event discord will be disbanded sometime next weekend, giving people time to collect whatever they wish to keep from it. I’ll also work on a video about the event as a fun thing to look back to, with cool shots of people’s characters. It will be shared on the forum thread! :film_strip:


Amazing event! Easy to follow yet not boring by any means. I like how thought & effort was put into the campaign to limit our characters and push them to be creative in ways they may or may not be used to. Big thanks to the DM’s and the other people who joined. I’ll be looking forward to the next one :slight_smile:

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Thank you Acrona, Ryldor, and Aymeric for hosting and DMing. It is a wonderfully organised event that really got everyone to co-operate and mingle. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I. Am. Loving. ALL THIS! Screenshots and the story!


Monday recap:

The highborne naga hunter, Aymeric, was not ready to rest until the naga who had escaped through the portal were slain and had asked volunteers to step forth and aid him in this task. Fortunately for them, a group of druids had gone missing near some ruins on the southwestern coast of Val’sharah.

They set out immediately to see whether there were any survivors left - either naga or druid - and finish the job if necessary. What they found was a bloodbath. The missing druids had fought tooth and nail against the naga invaders but were all slain, leaving only a sorceress and a Void-empowered naga brute left standing.

With Kelatriel as the distraction the group set out to slay the sorceress first whose grip of Void magic was great yet the numbers worked to their advantage and she was ultimately brought down by an arrow loosened by Lintian.

The brute proved more resilient, however, and it took the combined efforts of the group to lay it low. From spears, an angered bear, and empowered kicks to Mother Moon’s fury that burned through the corruption, they gave it their all and it was Mortimer’s spear that ultimately found its tip through the skull of the behemoth.

The threat to Val’sharah was over, the naga were no more.


Captain Lunarbay, known far and wide - according to himself at least - for his daring exploits and irresistible charm, arrived at the Isle of the Watchers in a manner that would make even the most stoic Wardens chuckle. Perched upon the broad back of a sea turtle, his black beard fluttering in the salty breeze, the elf donned a majestic seashell on his head that seemed to have a life of its own, as it tipped and wobbled to the rhythm of the turtle’s paddling. A large pearl glistened on a seaweed net slung across the night elf’s bare chest.

With a twinkle in his eye and a cranky owl perched on his shoulder, Lunarbay dismounted his aquatic saviour, beaming at the astonished Watchers who couldn’t help but wonder if the background of this starved yet grinning figure was as whimsical as his arrival.

Word of the captain’s survival might eventually catch one’s ear - may your legend grow until we meet again, Captain Lunarbay.

Hoping to share the event video tomorrow! :film_projector: :tv: