[Event] Shipwrecked Night Elves - Event Video! đź“˝

Event video / machinima:

Thank you everyone who took part in the campaign, you were amazing and we hope you had fun!

Two days prior setting sail:

The main settlements in Hyjal, Darkshore and Ashenvale receive an urgent call for help from Daila Everdew, a young priestess from Val’sharah. According to reports, Void-enhanced monstrosities are causing trouble in the southern parts of the forest, and have slain a group of investigating druids. Help from Kalimdor would be appreciated to face this baleful darkness.

Captain Moredain Lunarbay has agreed to lend his transport ship Moonsail to take the enlisted and a number of glaive throwers from Darkshore to Val’sharah. Will you answer the call with haste?


This is a 3-day roleplay campaign for night elf characters (*) in which they get shipwrecked on a remote island. This is for players who are interested in subjecting their characters to a challenging physical and emotional journey, and are open to RNG injuries and failures. The goal isn’t to compete over who has the most invincible hero, or who can solve every problem, but to collaborate in creating an immersive shipwrecked experience for everyone. We seek participants who display good sportsmanship OOC about their character’s misfortunes during the adventure.

(*) To be permitted on the ship, the character concept should be aligned with the night elf society; for example Darkfallen wouldn’t be taken onboard. Contributions against the Legion may enable a couple of Demon Hunters to join, but suspicion may follow them as outcasts - the night elves at large aren’t fans of fel magic, after all. There’s a limit of two fel users total for the sign-ups, to keep the immersion of fel practitioners being rare among the night elf population.

The aspiration of the campaign is to facilitate connections between night elf roleplayers by creating a shared experience of hardship. Players are expected to be courteous toward each other out of character, but in-character tensions may rise, and characters may react angrily to the given situations. Because the campaign lasts only 3 days, there won’t be time for a very intricate plot with a lot of twists and turns. The focus is on the atmosphere, and providing players a different kind of setting for building connections.

The number of spots is capped to 30 players. Make sure to read the event info completely before signing up!

To align player expectations, below is a brief outline of what’s going to happen on the campaign. If you enjoy seeing a powerful mage struggle without their spells or a warrior fighting murlocs with an oar, you’re at the right place! Please do not metagame (“foresee”) what’s going to happen in-character.

What’s the plan?

FRIDAY 20:00 onwards:

The transport ship, Moonsail, has just set sail from Darkshore to the open sea. The evening is reserved for social roleplaying on the ship, where characters may get to know others who enlisted to aid Val’sharah. Although out-of-character we’ll use a Kul Tiran ship located west of Boralus, in-character, it’s a night elven ship with a kaldorei crew.

It’s recommended to set your View Distance and Environment Detail to 1 to fade out the landscape around the ship.

Activities on the ship:

  • Sermon, asking for Elune’s blessings

  • Mingling, meeting new people

  • A social game


You’re free to engage in casual roleplay on the ship all afternoon. The DMing begins at 8pm. A magical storm rises and brings down the ship. Your character awakens on a remote island (OOC Eye of Azshara) after a time skip and a fade-to-black. Players roll for their character’s general state of injury.

1-30 = heavy injury (e.g. broken leg/arm, concussion)
31-70 = medium injuries (e.g. painful cuts)
71-100 = minor injuries (e.g. bruises, soreness)

Regardless of their state of injury, the character’s gear would be battered and much of their equipment lost in the waters. Magic wielders such as mages, druids and clerics would find their magic to be highly unstable due to the chaotic force field surrounding the island. The reason behind this is to establish a scenario where the characters must cooperate to survive without the luxury of teleportation, conjured food, or instant healing magic.


  • Finding and gathering up all the survivors, headcount
  • Treating injuries

People teaming up to:

  • Set up camp, retrieve sunken valuables, get drinkable water
  • Hunt food
  • Exploration & discovery

We’ll have 2-3 DMs split people up for different tasks such as hunting food, and exploration.


Feel free to participate in shipwrecked camp roleplay all afternoon, and perform small tasks like gathering food, preparing medicine, diving around the shore for lost items (for example finding the character’s signature weapon/amulet/heirloom). At 20:00, it’s time to figure out a battle plan to escape the island. The campaign concludes with the characters departing from the island.

Q & A

Q: Why night elves only?


For some, getting involved in night elf themed roleplay is difficult without the support of an active guild. The event provides a chance to make new contacts while participating in an adventure.

In addition, focusing on a specific audience makes the player numbers more manageable as we’re not looking to create a large-scale campaign, and the hosts are familiar with night elf lore.

From in-character point of view, we can assume that other characters who would’ve been willing to help, just narrowly missed the departure of the ship for one reason or another.

Q: Is there a level / expansion requirement?


You should be able to travel to Boralus (BfA) and Eye of Azshara (Legion).

Q: May guilds join?


To prevent larger guilds from occupying most of the spots, a maximum of 5 members from the same guild may join the campaign. Prospective guild members are expected to engage in roleplay with individuals from other guilds. Fill out the sign-up form for each person you’d like to sign up with you. Please confirm with them that they’ve also read the event details in full.

Q: My character isn’t a fighter; can they join?


We can see where this would make sense; for example if your character is a cook on the ship, or a cataloger wanting to document the problem, it could be viable. Just drop a question below!

Q: I can only attend 2 out of the 3 days, may I still join?


Yes, that’s possible! If you miss Friday your character can be on the ship off-screen, and if you miss out the finale we just assume your character was there somewhere in the background and leaves with everyone else.

Q: I can only attend 1 out of the 3 days, may I still join?


Due to the spots being limited, we prioritize players able to attend at least on two days.

Q: Are you looking for help with DMing?


We’ll make an announcement if there’s a need for more DMs. For convenience’s sake we’ll host this as a tiny group because the more spoons in the soup, the more time-consuming it is to make plans and keep everyone in the loop. The plot is somewhat predetermined just to make sure we can finish the campaign on Sunday night.

Q: What kind of a RNG system is in place?


We’ll keep it simple. Combat systems used on Saturday/Sunday:

Ryldor’s group
Attack /rolls
Anything below 40 = miss
40+ = 1 dmg
60+ = 2dmg
80+ = 3dmg

40+ = successful defense
70+ = successful defense + retaliation 1dmg

No HP involved.

Aymeric’s group
No attack rolls. Rolls for defense. Results scale depending on the number of participants and what they’re up against.

Q: Will there be a Discord server for the event?


Yes, there’s a temporary event discord for the attendees.


Please change your nickname to the name of the character you’ve signed up with, and you’ll be given attendee role to view the event channels. It’s not mandatory to join the Discord server if you rather read updates on the forums. The server is mainly for asking questions, updating others about your character’s off-screen activities, changes to your availability and LFRP before event hours. Also screenshots!

Dates: 1st of September until 3rd of September 2023 (Friday to Sunday)

DMs: Acrona, Ryldor, Aymeric

Sign-up format (night elves only):

In-Game Name:
In-Character Name:
Occupation: (e.g. Sentinel)
Participating on: (e.g. Friday, Saturday, Sunday)


Signed up:

  • The limited fel practitioner spots are taken

In-Game Name: Adeleithiel
In-Character Name: Adelethiel Nighteye
Occupation: Sentinel
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: AĂ«lah
In-Character Name: AĂ«lah
Occupation: Druid
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Aladris
In-Character Name: Aladris Stillgrove
Occupation: Druid / Wanderer
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Auldris
In-Character Name: Auldris Keeneye
Occupation: Monk, former Priestess
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Aurellix / Coldsigil
In-Character Name: Aurellys Wintercrest
Occupation: Highborne Abjurist
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Balturas
In-Character name: Balturas
Occupation: Adventurer
Participating on: Friday, and hopefully Saturday and Sunday as well.

In-Game Name: Dawncloud / Practitioner
In-Character Name: Alyna Dawncloud
Occupation: Priestess of the Moon
Participating on: Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Djurae
In-Character Name: Llana
Occupation: Wanderer
Participating on: Saturday & Sunday

In-Game Name: Eledorn
In-Character Name: Eledorn Duskborn
Occupation: Spellblade / Relic Hunter
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Ercia
In-Character Name: Ercia Bluewing
Occupation: Wandering Mage / Adventurer
Participating on: Friday, Saturday (TBD), Sunday

In-Game Name: Faeyneris
In-Character Name: Faeyneris Ashnight
Occupation: Warden of the Shadowleaf Watchers
Participating on: Saturday & Sunday

In-Game Name: Faynelle
In-Character Name: Faynelle Amberbloom
Occupation: Aspiring Druid / Adventurer
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Frostvine
In-Character Name: Yandra Frostvine
Occupation: Druid
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Fyrius
In-Character Name: Fyrius Snowspirit
Occupation: Aspiring Herbalist, A Sentinel on leave
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Glaedr
In-Character Name: Glaedr
Occupation: Hunter / Wanderer
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Helwyr
In-Character Name: Helwyr Hornmantle
Occupation: Druid of the Stag
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Idrisal
In-Character Name: Idrisal Shanir
Occupation: Grovetender of the Shadowleaf Watchers
Participating on: Available on all three days

In-Game Name: Leysana
In-Character Name: Leysana Silverthorn
Occupation: Priestess
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Lintian
In-Character Name: Lintian Wintermist
Occupation: Mage apprentice
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Luynaraeth
In-Character Name: Luynaraeth Ravenmourn
Occupation: Druid
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Lyndraé
In-Character Name: Thalyndrae Ravenshade
Occupation: Sorceress
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Mortdorei
In-Character Name: Mortimer Fargrove
Occupation: Watcher of Shadowleaf Watchers
Participating on: Saturday and Sunday (tentative for Friday)

In-Game Name: Naraenil
In-Character Name: Nara’enil Rainwhisper
Occupation: Druid
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Nemyurae
In-Character Name: Nemyurae
Occupation: Illidari Demon Hunter
Participating on: Friday TBD, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Nilethìl
In-Character Name: Nilethil
Occupation: Sentinel, Former Temple Guard
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Silverdrake
In-Character Name: Silverdrake
Occupation: Soldier
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Starfeatherr
In-Character Name: Kelatriel Starfeather
Occupation: Druid
Participating on: Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: Terravive
In-Character Name: Sister Terravive
Occupation: Huntress
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

In-Game Name: Thalthin
In-Character Name: Thalthin Amberbloom
Occupation: Druid / Adventurer
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

In-Game Name: VĂ los
In-Character Name: Valos Mistwalker
Occupation: Bladeguard (Soldier)
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

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Name: Balturas
Character name: Balturas
Occupation: Adventurer
Participation: Friday, and hopefully Saturday and Sunday as well.

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In-Game Name: Dawncloud / Practitioner
In-Character Name: Alyna Dawncloud
Occupation: Priestess of the Moon
Participating on: Hopefully all three days! I will try and make sure I’ve the evenings off work on those days.

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Super cool initiative as per usual and although I can only offer words of encouragement as support, I wish it all the best!



In-Game Name: Lintian
In-Character Name: Lintian Wintermist
Occupation: Mage apprentice
Participating on: Hopefully all days

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In-Game Name: Eledorn
In-Character Name: Eledorn Duskborn
Occupation: Spellblade / Relic Hunter
Participating on: Aiming to be there for all of the three days!

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I will have to check my work schedule tomorrow, but can I sign up as tentative?

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I’m confident there’ll still be plenty of room to sign up, but I’ll sign you up as tentative until tomorrow, please confirm your attendance in a couple of days to keep the spot!

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In-Game Name: Aladris
In-Character Name: Aladris Stillgrove
Occupation: Druid/Wanderer
Participating on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday!


Elves on a boat

It’s elves on a boat

what will they do


Hope you all the best with this event, Acrona!


Is it cheap if i make a character just for this ? I really like the concept and seems alot of fun but sadly i dont really have an established kaldorei character.

Hi! If night elf themed roleplay is of interest to you, you’re welcome to join it on a newly made character to help build connections. Just please make sure you can move around the event locales without issue!

Edit: That said, because the event aspires to help people roleplaying night elves establish new connections, we hope that participants intend to roleplay their character beyond the event too.

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Seems interesting, been looking to build up some connections for Ercia again with my prior break from the game. So hopefully this’ll provide some of that too, besides I am a boat expert after all being on the Myrmidon. Totally.

In-Game Name: Ercia
In-Character Name: Ercia Bluewing
Occupation: Wondering Mage/Adventurer
Participating on: Friday, Saturday (TBD), Sunday

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Ohhh, this sounds really exciting! Slowly returning to the night elf RP scene and it seems to be blooming at the very minute, hope to see more initiatives of this sort <3 I am going to sign myself up for the time being, but there is a possibility that I will withdraw myself if my work schedule changes!

In-Game Name: Faelune
In-Character Name: Faelune Mistfang
Occupation: Druid
Participating on: Friday Saturday

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This sounds like so so so much fun!

Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be able to make it this weekend.

Best of luck to you Acrona and other night elves who will participate. :crescent_moon:

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I am here to confirm my attendance for the event! Ofcourse work can always throw my schedule in a wrench, but for now I am confident I can participate!

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This certainly looks great fun! I’ll need to see about checking my calendar to make sure I am free that weekend!

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Oh… wait a minute. Never mind I might actually make it after all. I thought it was this weekend. I’ll confirm later

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