those dungeons need re-tuning for Tyrannical they feel way harder compared to the other dungeons in their boss fight also why even the small plants give bursting in everbloom its unreasonable (talking about keys between 15-19)
blizzard fix before next Tyrannical rotation comes around please
I don’t know what bursting has to do with tyrannical.
Everbloom 2nd boss could use a little dmg adjustment and 3rd boss probably as well.
rise, hard to say I think the main issue is the axe thrower bleed which is stupid super hard, besides that I didn’t felt it overly hard to heal. Heavy dmg? yea but was still doable. It certainly is a problem when heavy dmg goes out and it requires movement at the same time (last boss). I can imagine for higher keys that you actually would need to heal while moving, which I cannot do on my monk unless I can stay in melee which isn’t easy when everywhere are swirlies.
tott i kinda have more issues with the 2nd boss than any other. Technically that shouldn’t even be the most difficult boss there i guess, but yet this fight always ends up in total chaos and death.
3rd boss is a bit unfair because the flame shocks are overlapping and then also overlap with the WF totem when 2 targets require heavy healing which is then a problem on higher keys. On +18 or whatever I did, it wasn’t terrible, but I can imagine on 20 or higher it will be god awful.
still feel the goliath and witches in wcm are also quite heavy hitters and not all that easy on higher levels for healing required.
I feel bursting is harder on Tyranical than on Fortified. Tyranical routes typically has bigger trash pulls and it’s harder to control stop of dps on lower HP targets.
Bursting on Fortified is easier to heal, since routes rarely include tripple-quadripple pack pulls. It mostly pack to pack.
I did few +14-16s on my 450 resto shaman and trash packs were harder to heal than bosses.
I’m having a lot of trouble with RISE and FALL in particular.
I don’t know if it’s because is the second week and people don’t have a lot of gear/experience or if bosses hit too hard and need nerfs.
Third boss in FALL hits really hard when you have Storm + debuff combo.
If anyone had any advice, feel free to reply to my post. I’d appreciate it.
2nd boss: (1) The XXX bolt damage need to be nerfed. There are 2 options: Option (A) reduce the damage flat. OR, (B) prevent both mobs at the beginning to target the same dude. In higher keys, its a 1 shot unless you have an external. Problem is, you only have so many external CDs to use. Killing the boss is literally a race against RNG. The longer the 1st boss takes to die, the higher the chances 1 individual gets 1-shot by double cast. If that happens, its GG.
3rd boss: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD… RNG. Hate it so much. Some people get 1 tick of fire, some get 4. And IF I get a puddle under my feet and cant cast 1 heal instantly when the fire AoE begins, who lives and dies is pure RNG. Hate it. Everyone should get 2 ticks and thats it.
4rth boss: It has SO MUCH HP. Its dumb ridiculous that we begin the boss with 10 min to go, and deplete it anyways. Its just absurd. Also, in higher keys the stop literally 1-shots.
This place is cancer. PERIOD. At a minimum, that place needs atleast 3 more minutes in the timer.
2nd boss is OK. All you have to do is bait the shock-waves away from all the mini-adds to prevent adds from being buffed. If you do that, its not so bad.
The last boss though… pure cancer. So much damage, so much RNG, tank busters… AND orbs…
Also… you will see next week. This place with Bolstering You will see the pulsing lady that does AoE at the beginning… or the Snake Guy… The rivers of tears from people getting 1-shot by that is going to be hilarious…
Whitches are fine IF party interrupts. Thats the key to the boss. Goliath is pure cancer because people cant use defensives while on spike, and cant pre-cast them because they dont know if they will be targeted or not. That should be changed.
easy for everyone besides the healer yea.
the big aoe dmg puts my party to 20% on a 18 already. when the add is up as well and you have constant ticking, i pushes over people quickly.
fight takes quite long so you run out of cds to survive the aoe + add
i didnt wipe to this boss yet but i imagine it gets really one shotty in higher keys
I think the boss fight is not that much of an outlier. It’s probably between 4 and 5 minutes on a 21 for me. Boss fights on Tyrannical are generally speaking too long, that’s not an isolated issue. 1/3rd of the timer would make it ~11.6 minutes, that’s close to 3x as long as it takes on a 21 so it’s not even accurate.
Sounds like a combination of gear and not using defensives. While the add AoE overlap surely hits hard, the boss is dead by the time my healer runs out of stuff. I think in general it’s ~3 big adds, maybe 4 if unlucky. There’s a fair amount of time between the adds so it shouldn’t be an issue really.
2nd and 3rd boss are what makes or breaks the run. After 3rd boss the last one is free.
healer cds are not the problem, it is not that i cannot heal the dmg. if high enough you die 100 - 0 without a def cd. that means you have to rotate certain externals that require certain group comps, which i dont think is good.
When bosses have such a massive heath pool they scale very badly with key level. I also fall asleep in that boss on a 21.
But I tried it in 24 yesterday and believe me that 10 minutes to kill him is tight. And everything else in that dungeon is just a walk in the park. Tank literally pulled half the dungeon trash in a single pull and it went gucci.
Plus all the RNG things of the other 2 bosses I mentioned 1-shot people in a 24. And its annoying as a healer to have to deal with dumb random 1-shot crap you cant do anything about.