Every race is now independent and hostile to each other

With the current leadership (let’s assume this world changing event doesn’t happen in the middle of a Horde council meeting and all the racial leaders don’t slaughter each other) I doubt it. Even during the First War orcs were prone to infighting and in this scenario I can see them splintering into small groups vaguely along clan lines, i.e returning to how they originally were on Draenor. They definitely wouldn’t be apex predators at that point

Tinkertown uprising in Ironforge :exclamation:

Personal tidbits:

I think dwarves would fare infinitely well in Dun Morogh considering that Ironforge is essentially the WoW equivalent of the Moscow metro* in terms of outliving destructive wars.

*Yeah I read the books :sunglasses:

Assuming most Vulpera are still in Vol’dun, they’re probably going to handle it pretty ok also—the rest of the known world wanting to mostly kill them is basically nothing new to them and they’re already used to living in an extremely harsh terrain. Sethrak were already killing them at the time the Horde discovered Vol’dun which means their life has been outliving war for who knows how long


Imagine thinking you could actually win a conflict like this without a presence in the orbit.

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The Empire of Khaz Modan (Dark Iron, Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, Frostborn Clans) would just seize the gnomish sattelite tech.

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Honestly with even how a race that’s cited to be 0.1% of its population can spawn entire armies when needed (or even after being beaten, genocided, enslaved or all these combined) I wouldn’t even care about numbers.

Nor is technology a reliable factor given how the dreaded rule of cool is a universal law overriding what we’d consider logical. Mudhut dwelling hobos can conjure crash bandicoot masks that mow down the Warcraft equivalent of Light-infused Protoss tech (which apparently endured millenia of war against the Burning Legion), devolved troggs can disrupt and destroy airfields, footmen armed with shields and shortswords can hold their ground against primordial death magic thats meant to melt the very essence of reality.

What’s left to compare? Well the Lore Characters of course! The demigodlike, plot-armor wielding titans of the setting (excluding adventurers of course) who lead their kingdoms and nations. And sadly enough humans have a roster of the meanest, toughest, most experienced or blessed individuals who, when angered, can allegedly destroy entire capitals. Just the party of Jaina, Anduin and Turalyon have become the grand overlords of their respective nations and vocations and can probably take on the rest of Azeroth themselves.

Until the Jailer catches them but I don’t see any Azerothian faction being in a position to use him against the Justice League of Azerothian Humanity.

The biggest advantage of having an indestructible spaceship with a laser cannon is that you can simply fly away. You have no reason to attack anyone and it’s not like anyone could attack you without being suddenly deleted from the sky

Night Elves/Highborne.

They ruled the world before and they will do so again, with Nightborn as second-grade, High(Blood) Elves as third-grade and Naga as fourth-grade citizens.

Pandarens, Taurens and Draenei may become honorary Elves. The rest will be wiped out.

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This was my thinking as well. The question wasn’t who would stand the best chance at world domination, but who would fare the best. Draenei have good odds of weathering the planetwide storm in relative solitude.

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Tbf, the (Lightforged) draenei can’t just do that.

Their (non-Lightforged) draenei brothers and sisters are stuck on an island off Kalimdor. THey’d have to help evacuate the majority of their population from their.

Party pooper!

Would love it, but the gnomes would still lose in the end. They might survive holed up in Mechagon for a while, but that is the best they can hope for.

Unless. Do we count Ulduar mechagnomes as gnomes, and Earthen and Iron dwarves as dwarves?

Going by that thinking, gnomes and draenei both stand a reasonable good chance. Both only have to defend one (minor) island somewhere off the coast/in the sea. Gnomes’ only risk would be Tinker Town in Ironforge and their holdings right outside Gnomeregan, but if they would be capable of closing their indestructable gate on Gnomeregan, even the Lepers could survive.

I would count Ulduar mechagnomes and Iron dwarves as the same group separate from gnomes / dwarves + Earthen as another separate group

As you can probably tell my knowledge of early lore is nonexistent

Well, its fair. I mean those groups serve the Keepers and not their descendant races, so they would count as seperate I guess.

I don’t know. It seems odd. Draenor certainly is a deadly world, but what makes it more deadly? It didn’t have Old Gods and their minions, both have some very inhospitable zones and both have been invaded by outside forces many times.

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Worgen are humans but better. Human+*

*May contain side effects of anger, rash decision making, and people assuming you’re a furry.

(But all seriousness worgen can self-sustain as an army in ways that humans can’t as efficiently. Don’t need a horse to go hunting when your legs ARE the horse.)

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Orcs are too stubborn to die. So Orcs.

:muscle: The Ebon Blade :muscle:


I for one welcome our new Kobold overlords


They’re everywhere.
And they’re angry someone’s been sleeping in their bed.


Feels a bit like you’re just sarcastically venting your opinion on the lore here, rather than the fun speculation that this thread was for.

Anyway, I’d say the Zandalari would fare well, but only under the assumption that all these suddenly hostile races can become friendly. They could quickly take control of the other troll factions and use their numbers.

I think the Forsaken would be steamrolled without any friends. They simply have too many enemies who would show them no mercy, and who would easily set aside their differences to fight against the undead.


That just makes you lose the human potential passive.

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The worst one is easy enough. Void Elves. There’s really few of them, they do not own any sort of land on Azeroth, do not have an economy, and the only asset they have is the highly risky Void magic they wield. They’re also hardly trustworthy, so there’s little chance they’d be able to ally themselves with… anyone at all.

As of best… hm. Maybe Nightborne? Suramar is still standing, they’ve sated their addiction, they are powerful Arcanists, they can put their bubble up again and live a secluded life just as they did before. I guess humans would manage fine too thanks to the Human Potential the others have mentioned.

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Just step into the rift lmao