Every race is now independent and hostile to each other

In the long term, which races fare the best / worst? Whether it’s a racial divide (all dwarven clans together) or subracial (free for all) is up to you

Let’s go gamers :exclamation:

(Post stolen from US forums by yours truly)


Humans win thanks to Human Potential :tm:


Hell yeah brother.

Goblins/Gnomes will have a big advantage over some of the other races I imagine, as the two still rather advanced compared to some other ones.

In terms of this, I feel especially the Dark Iron would betray the two other clans in some way. Either through Moira and Dagran to claim leadership of all clans, or go back to their old shenainigans.

Never to be underestimated

Honestly, orcs. They managed to thrive in a hostile world far deadlier than Azeroth where once upon a time they weren’t even the apex predator. They conquered the world all the same. They’re able to survive hostile and barren landscapes, and that’s without going into their biology that I’ve raved on and on about endlessly on the forums already.

TL;DR: Orcs evolved to be the perfect apex hunter in a world already deadlier than Azeroth. Azeroth is creative mode in comparison. Back when the Horde was just the orcs, they managed to body most of the Alliance.


Forsaken because I don’t accept character death IC therefore I’m functionally immortal :sunglasses:

Hit me with ur best shot boys I’ll simply /e wipes the dust from her shoulder and says “My turn…” easily every time.


Forsaken, as long as Blizzard aren’t the ones writing them.


The suddenly hostile titans would like to have a word with you.

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While I would love for the gnomes to do well.

I fear the humans, orcs and dwarves would fare the best. The Forsaken might fare well, depending on wether they fight humans. If they fight humans and have necromancers, they’d fare really well, if they fight orcs or dwarves? They’ll be getting wrecked.

Also, do we count Gilneans as human or as worgen?

We wrecked the strongest of the titans. We can wreck their beta group too.

/e wipes the dust from her shoulder and says “My turn…”


Is Draenor really that more deadly, though?

Silly me, I totally forgot that goblins existed.

They’d be one of the top four with orcs, humans and dwarves.

It’s said to be.

It doesn’t feel that way ingame, but lets be honest.

Nothing really feels dangerous or deadly ingame anymore.



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Besides official statements and quests alleging it, I look at places like Gorgrond, Frostfire and Tanaan.

Fair enough

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Don’t you mean Blasted Lands, Northrend and Stranglethorn Vale? (Esp. STV, I mean trolls using blood magic that fought of the Old Horde vs orcs using Blood magic that became the Fel Iron Horde).

Gronn almost everywhere, Botani, harsh enviroments…

Yeah, feels pretty harsh a planet.

Draenei. They will watch as the other races tear each other apart and eventually migrate to a new, less ruined world. As is tradition.