Every server is a PvE server

Without diving into the endless flaws of Cataclysm, I want to adress a big issue.
We all know by the title itself what I am talking about… monofaction disaster.
Why even have the PvP tag on a server? They are all forced pve realms with the monofaction fiasco that happened in Wotlk.
Wpvp is a very essential part in the World of Warcraft. PvE is fine and all, instanced pvp aswell… but the world feels empty and strange in its state.
If you aren’t interested in wpvp or can’t handle being ganked from time to time, then pve server is the place for you.
People arguing that pvp players only corpse camp or gank in groups are lying and talking about a very small group of toxic individuals. That’s not the average pvp enjoyer… we look for fair matchups, honorable 1v1s and maybe the thrill of not knowing when you will get ganked while being out in the open world… just like a World of Warcraft is supposed to feel.
It completely kills immersion if you don’t face different factions in a fantasy world where the lore is focused around faction war. Flying over empty alliance (or horde) capitals, zones or cities just feels off.
It would have been so easy… open a fresh pvp server with faction caps. A REAL pvp server


:heart: marry me!

I can’t find better words than yours.


Thats why people created those monofaction servers. Wpvp is a pointless waste of time


„Waste of time“ is a funny choice of words in a recreational activity like an MMO :sweat_smile:
While that’s only ur opinion, many people have a different one.
And it’s also known that monofaction movement happened because of the big GDKP guilds leaving after slight faction imbalance, most people following like sheep and suffering from severe FOMO.


I have to admit that I respect your commitment thinking that even though blizzard puts 0 effort into cata, they make new “balanced” PvP realms if you and your gnome friend just make enough of these threads on the forums (EU forums that no single dev ever reads on top of that)

Some would call it delusional, others might call it ambitious

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LOL this comment >.<

Dude you’re under every “World PvP” thread, trolling, making jokes and disrespecting other people ideas.

The only one seriously committed here is you XD Halfnatty “Protector of mono realms”.

Blizzard just give him the title, so he can show it with his PvE friends in Stormwind.

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There we go again, like we didnt got enoght of such threads.
Keep it up,the result will be the same as with “Wotlk Era” threads, spammed by same few people over and over.
Blizz dont care, they allready got all data to know if they should launch fresh.

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Here’s another one under every World PvP post XD you guys are just haters lol.
I start thinkin u and the gnome are the same person. Blizzard give the same title to him too please. Deserved.

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Sorry, they dont have enough devs working on cata to implement that title

Wait wait here comes the Tauren…another title inc.

And ive got feeling that u are one whos keep thos trash threads alive and remaking / making them from alts.

According to a population on cata servers - they don’t. Also you stated this in 1 post

I totally agree that people should be able to play activities they having fun with tho.
But there is no easy solution exist


Gosh this dude again, No one cares about your opinion on wpvp, Just stay on everlook and pick flowers


Keep spamming on wpvp posts, no one cares about you guys opinion, Always the same people speaking against Wpvp :rofl::rofl:

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Yes, unlike you and your 2 friends who flood the forums daily with the same trash I know that blizzard doesnt care about my (or anyones) opinion, good luck, maybe you prove me wrong and blizzard will react after another 10000threads

edit: just invest the time you spend making these threads in improving at the game so you guys can play the actual PvP content


I mean yeah agree it sucks that you dont have balanced servers.
But even if we had one it wouldnt be the same wpvp as in tbc or vanilla.
Beacuse most ppl buy lvl boost to 60. Then at max lvl ppl tend to spamm dungeons and raid logging each week. Wpvp happens but not in a big scale.

I already went above 2k and 2.2k so im Happy with that, i dont want and need glad. I have nothing to proof anymore, just move on and stop being cringe with your pve mindset on wpvp posts

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And now you, Humsah and Fujiko are begging blizzard in 10 threads a day to feed them with PvErs because you guys cant even handle a random bg? Idk, seems unlikely to me.

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I don’t know what you are rambling about…
We are talking about the part of immersion and where in a faction war based lore it is wrong to have a single faction realm.
No one is spamming 10 threads a day… I haven’t and all the others threads here (and a lot more on reddit) are made by different people.
What went wrong in ur sad little life that you have to put down others wishes and thoughts about game breaking issues if it doesn’t affect you?
Leave ur frustration elsewhere if you aren’t contributing anything of value


I explained several times in one of your 100threads about new “factionbalanced” realms why monofaction realms happened and that its purely a playermade issue (while you and your friends just called everyone who disagrees a troll), its now my fault that you blasted vurtune open world pvp compilations with in ear headphones on max volume which lead to braindamage so you cant comprehend that.

Yes, what went wrong with my life that I disagree with you on public forums, how dare I.