Every server is a PvE server

That’s exactly the advice that people took.
With a bit of twist… Upon getting ganked, they moved away.

For some reason the community has a Real Men Play PvP Server motto.
Who dreams about being a rabbit / peasant?
Plus all the romantic aspects of fair, nice fights, the fun of raiding (euhm, PvE)…
Drop the superiority (like the other thread about PvP players being superior to PvE players) and maybe it will change. (Such as: PvP people are aggressors, PvE people are vying for a peaceful life.)

A friend of mine played PvP because his friend wants PvP server as horde.

Also, judging by the server counts, Blizzard considers PvP servers the way to play.
Given later developments in retail, I can’t tell whether they are trolling, or believe it.

Thank god you dont role there anymore. For your Kind of people there is pve realms. For us pvp realms who enjoy it. I also dont say pve is trash and should be avoided compeletly. Btw i hate pve and its a waste of time for me. Gl

This always have me wonder … every time Blizz open up many PvP realms. And 2 PvE realms. PvE realms then get overcrowded. Players overflow to RP server. Blizz then too slow make new. Lead to RP server ruins, one or two PvE server with too many players, and latecomers too low then die.
Blizz is always too afraid to make too many PvE server, repeat this mistake every time. And even now tech allows for cluster, open 4 even 5 at launch should be no-brainer.

Never in my wow history, have I ever experienced a fair fight in world of warcraft. The odds are against you, when addressing a fair fight in open world.

Tho I am not saying a pvp challenge is bad - just saying the odds are not high to stumble on a challenge where you both have the same level/skill/gear for it to be a fair fight.

Whether it is ONE guy or not, who is being toxic- that might be their way of having fun - by overpowering the dozens lowbies at Duskwood/Barrens or whatever

But this other ONE guy, likes doing quest and enjoy the ride to max level without grief, or just being productive with the time they have.

So what is wrong about having the option to disable pvp? Or even flatout playing on pve server.

Blizzard does not want to implement functionality that will separate their player pool. But it’s exactly what they had to do, because we as the players forced them to do so.

Sorry in advance if I misunderstood something. My English is not my first language.

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omw to level an alliance rog to level 30 to gank hordes on questhubs (don’t want to invest too much time in it that’s why only lvl30). who is that guys who makes free glyphs? not asking for much just need one set of it at lvl 30

And this is exactly why we have monofaction servers. Do you honestly think they enjoy being ganked at quest hubs? You are a tiny minority of psychopaths who enjoy causing grief to other humans. Monofaction servers is your deserved fate. I laugh at “world PvPers”. /spit

Nope but i will :moyai: