Every single aspect of this game somehow got "annoying" and I think I'm not exaggerating

You said you were not subbing anymore and were going to leave the game.

And what do you do with the last days of your sub ? Come here and whine. 100% smart.

I would. Show me your rio. Post with your main.

I have played with enough people in this forum to have my alliby. If you are a nice and respectful person you earn my respect.

If you are a big-mouthed know-it-all like you… you dont earn my respect and I will call you out. And if by any chance you end up in a group with me, you will get insta kicked. And if its your key, I will wait to start it to insta leave. I dont care how “pro” you are.

If you happen to be Ammonet, Mistjo, Dejarous, Tah… just to name a few… I will gladly spend my afternoon and 5000g in repairs wiping in a 5+ I have to… And I will say thank you for the opportunity.

If people are idiots like you, you will get treated like an idiot. If you are nice, you will be treated with respect.

I have proven that with my past statements. And by playing with a lot of people, and a lot of PuGs. And even with individuals on this forum.

So yeah… you proved your own point to yourself. You are Toxic… and people will be Toxic to you. Its like in RL. You will have ZERO friends in RL if you keep treating people bad… and will live your life completely alone…

← Door is that way. Stop wasting our time and leave. I dont care about your dumb excuses anymore.