Stop queing. let BM face each other
Just cancelled my sub sick and tired of it and no tuning when they know this spec is goddam broken also sick of complaining about it lol so now i will talk with my wallet
every patch theres a new meta spec
so far in TWW
frost mage
disc Priest
Pres evoker
Shadow priest
unholy dk
BM hunter
have all been meta ( not in order of course )
what next
BM is beyond meta atm. It’s broken.
so your saying Fury wasnt broken?
or disc priest?
or Feral ?
or Pre evoker?
before they got nerfed
i rest my case
there will always be a meta broken spec
thats how the game works now
Stop queing.
based. 10char
It’s about WHICH spec is meta.
Ok Shadow priest is OP, guess Ima spam dispel
Ok DK is OP, at least it dies to phys dmg
OK spec X deletes people, I just need to react fast enough to deny the oneshot
but when things like BM and Demo are meta, it’s like, oh look I’m dying to air, no matter how much I hit this guy he will do max DPS and micro CC me the entire game
OP Meta specs are much more fine if they have some form of counter spec, or counterplay.
I also stopped quing for the most part. Nothing I play is even remotely FOTM, I learned Hpal this season but got bored after like 100 games, so that is off the menu too
And it’s fine if nothing I play is FOTM, but nothing I play can deal with FOTM either. I was enjoying MM hunter before this patch bugged the damage somehow and turned it into a noodle hitting useless spec, and I was enjoying it for the sole reason of running down Mages
i disagree with everything you have said
its not about WHO is meta, its WHEN someone is meta
hunters being meta right now is upseting a lot of casters like Mages and thats because frost mage is also somewhat meta still
same with shadow priest being meta currently hunters eat them.
and because the majority of the playerbase switched to frost mage and shadow priest before the BM buffs.
we get a whole forum moaning about BM hunter
… it would be no different if it was ANY other class counter
- its unfortunate timing but thats how things are.
imagine defending bm spec , i got 1800 on it under 30 games , i didnt even need to trap stun and i won by pets having 100% uptime if you have good pet managment macros
i got 1800 on
FURY Warrior
RESTO shaman
RET pala
UH dk
Aug evoker
MM Hunter
all in 30 games too
and what?
do you want a medal, its basically free rating…
currently working leveling a Mage, warlock spriest to complete them too
- oh btw i got 1800 as MM hunter… not BM
I canceled subscription and i am waiting
What? /petfollow and /petattack?
Not saying demo meta isn’t absolute aids but AT THE VERY LEAST demo has to cast and can be run over by zugzug speccs like arms/fury or ww. BM just stays far back and lets the pets do all the work and if he ever casts and ability himself it can’t be kicked.
I’ve seen you on pala, you sure you just “got bored”?
Anyways, i will pass on shuffle until BM is gone.
Sorry, but this is nonsense. BM is overtuned, extremely easy to play and also very annoying to face, with 20 pets chasing you. It doesn’t matter what class you face one on. BM is basically summon pets → feign death → free rating.
what he is saying is that BM is OP. The fact that others were OP as well doesn’t change the fact that BM is just dumb in PVP
still funny how bm mains defend this broken spec , i was fine with Mm Hunters being good but this is a joke and imagine trying to shame people if we want nerfs for this busted abomination of a spec that only belongs to raids and m+
Well here you go
Soon today (11 November), we will apply the following changes via hotfix:
Player versus Player
- Beast Mastery
- Dark Ranger: Black Arrow damage decreased by 15% in PvP combat.
- Dark Ranger: Hunter’s Prey now increases the damage of Kill Shot by 5% per stack in PvP combat (was 10%).
These have been performance outliers recently.
good f…in riddance
yeah and now this spec is completely trash and not worth to play gg