You reduced incoming pvp damage by 60% and my dots dont scale, they dont even take off 30% of the enemy’s hp, although I’m T2, when other classes kill with 2 shots, rogues dont even need a Kidney shot, they kill you for a Cheap shot, despite the fact that your shadowform reduces all physical damage by 25%. Very weak runes, useless when everyone is playing the cataclysm version, you keep playing the classic SP version, and why is Dispersion a rune and not a spell??
Please do something, SP do not play pvp. Only hunters, shamans, rogues, boomkins and paladins play pvp. You have reduced the damage and greatly reduced the damage dots, which makes the SHP class not capable of pvp.
All i hear is invalid arguments spriest is one of the top dps in raid l2p use dispersion
p.s you’re doing no dmg because it’s a dot and hybrids can simply cleanse it or heal through it
Smartass, 60% damage reduction doesn’t work in PvE
They made the Dispersion rune in the same slot with Void Plague, although Dispersion should be a just skill, but even with Void Plague + Vampiric Touch + Shadow Word Pain, due to a 60% damage reduction, it does not even take down 30% hp. Hunters are killing me with 2 shots, I’m lying down and watching how much hp my dots will take away from them, 20-25%!!! In 24 seconds, this sh*t, SP need up!
Good, i remeber p3 when i died to 2 dots of a spriest, go cry cuz your class aint fotm XD
if the smarties on Blizzards hadn’t killed SHP as a PvP class, you’d still be crying ;(
but yet here we are, go cry for more buffs to ur dots that were a meme in vanilla XD and ohh yeh you were so good in p3 to press 2 dots and go in dispersion
Shadow Priest is the worst 1v1 class right now. I got pretty good gear and my dots crit for like 450 while i eat 2.7k ice lances or get one shot by rets and boomies or 2 globaled by rogues or hunters. We had our time and now it’s over.
same for other cloth class tbh and that’s why they were the least played.
Every trash tier metaslave play sham/hunt/pal
Shadow priest is definitely S tier, not like Elemental Shaman and Balance Druid who are simply S+ God Tier, but it’s definitely up there as one of the strongest PvP classes at this moment.
You want to play Spriest the way Shamans play in Arathi Basin, play around dots and keep them up, don’t try and focus targets single target, it’s not your forté.
Get the Instant Mind Spike Shoulder Rune as well so you can manage your play style around dots and not be useless past them.
My god we agree on one thing, but ye t1 6 set for ret need’s to go and the templar bwl set too, unusable in pvp then we talk!