Everyone gets gear

Ive been playing since mythic+ started, couldnt we make it so after a key everyone in the group gets a random piece of gear, instead of 2 handouts…
its so time consuming


that is the business idea

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So you can gear super quick and quit when you have nothing to aim for?

I’m sure thats exactly what Blizz want :man_facepalming:


well lets say technically you get your base gear quite quickly anyways at least compared to the amount of crests you need to finish gearing.
still need over a hundred dungeons to upgrade everything to max.

I don’t get all this whining. The season just started and everyone wants items to fall from the sky. There is enough time to gear up properly :roll_eyes:

I think that loot should be deterministic instead of RNG.

For example, do 3 keys, buy 1 item from the vendor. This way, acqusition of gear and/or its upgrade can be time-gated easily and properly by Blizzard.

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