Funny, as I see Classic people requesting Retail features to be added into Classic. Notably LFD for example so it’s actually reversed.
But I do agree that maybe they should make a “harder” version of WoW that incorporates many good things. And churn it out under the experimental umbrella of Seasonal and see how it goes.
ah yes, another “mimimi classic is better because…Reasons” thread.
Alonje the “ervyone is palying classic” is a blatant lie
My sever are still full, and dornogal is also well filled, so…so much aboz eervone is in classi.
While in the era sever SW and OG were empty …
well ebcase the game goes on, and develop and many many things from classic were horrible, it was a good game, but not perfec, allone the extrem grind, very unnessesary long tarvels for quest, very anyong quest deisng with low droprates you must skill your weapn and the list go on…
because (Siren island) its a filler/ catup patch to gearar up twink (which in fact was horrible during classic)
so running molten core the +10th time donst get boring?
well, peopel cried rfor hard content (one weason we have m+) because people cry WoW is to easy- to casuel.
comparing servers from retail to classic there is way more full realms for retail and a lot of dead realms for classic so , your OP holds no weight at all.
Also did you need to make another thread whilst another retail is dead thread is already in action? ive flagged the OP as spam as we have another thread already
Because classic is so good. The content is so mind numbing easy while your dmg rotation is 1 1 1 1 1 wait 10 seconds, oom 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.
Yea, no thank you Buddy.
And yet they like the content, becuaust its more fun and meaningful and rewarding anything retail has to offer. So you can pretend classic is only a 2 button mash, but reatail is no more than a 3 or 4 button smash.
Depends on the class. But on top you have engaging encounters. Classics 1 mechanic per boss is just mind numbing.
And apart from that, the daily routine in classic is just meh.
I think people rather play it for the social aspect. Because the gameplay loop ain’t it anymore.
Hi Everyone. How odd. It says Obbisell on your character name.
I hope you enjoy classic, but i am enjoying retail myself. No plans to take on another mmo. I played classic back when it was current and i have no urge to go back. I enjoy the current game more.
Again with this “1 button rotation”, damage is not the only focus that you should have.
Mage is a great example, a good mage can prevent/save from a group wipe in dungeon because it is capable to control packs of mobs, in fact the difference of a good mage from a bad one you can notice it if they use max rank frost nova.
In hardcore this has been proven with the piratesoftware situation.
Also having easy content is good, I can no longer commit to a raid schedule (to busy training judo and kickboxing in the evening) and on the anniversay realms or SoD there are always pugs going at any time and i have the tranquillity to clear the raid that day, unlike a normal raid in retail where you dont know if you are going to wipe 3-4 Times on the second boss and then the raids disband and you are back on LFG.
Also if some people enjoy to replay the same exact content over and over again (and even pay sub for it), then its up to them. For me i would find that boring.
At this point I don’t think they should. Retail and classic have grown apart to become two vastly different games enjoyed for equally vastly different and often completely opposing reasons.
Even if they wanted to it wouldn’t even be possible without ruining the enjoyment for a good chunk of the playerbase either way.
They should keep classic, classic and retail as retail. Catering to each as having completely different audiences.
I would love for them though to someday create a separate hybrid version with the best features from both games. Features that doesn’t contradict or clash but complement.
I was hoping that was what they had planned with SoD but…
Maybe someday.
Yeah, but the 10th release of Molten Core is the most exciting thing in the history of Human kind or what?
Questing trough the same Zone for the 10th time is not boring?
So new stuff is underwhelming, but repeating the same Raid and Dungeon for 20 Years straight is super exciting?
Like do you know how often we had the same Dungeons and Raids now, no? Let me refresh your memory a bit. So we had the OG Vanilla in 2004, Classic in 2019, Season of Mastery in 2021, Official HC Realms in August of 2023, Season of Discovery in November of 2023 and now we have the Fresh Realms.
So, you’re replaying the SAME CONTENT for potentially the 6th time NOW, so explain to me how that is not BORING and UNDERWHELMING!
They said that people in 10-man wanted hard content …without much to say … they make 10-man =25-man in terms of difficulty … Cataclysm ended with half subs because of this …
Who is asking for hard content since wow was always casuals ??
A yes the 1% mythic heros …
So stop lying with people wanted hard content
Imagine people on twitch have runed a m+ dungeon for 200 times …in less than 4months and you are going to do 8 dungeons for 1 expansion …doesn’t get boring ?? i mean each season new scaling …same gameplay …it must be fun playing as a bot ^^