Classic Wrath was a failure though. Even TBC Classic was considerably more popular. Classic Vanilla of course absolute destroyed both TBC and Wrath.
That being said, people are trolling if they say M+ is better than it was during late Legion or S4 of BFA. Or they are the top 1 % that want gear gatekept.
Fine, remove the AP, but M+ was so much better back then.
As you say. Easy to play. Lots of loot. Every spec felt overpowered in their own way (including tanks importantly).
I´d give anything for Legion back ahhhh. Sadly I won´t be able to play probably by the time Legion Classic is finally released.
That was mostly novelty, “Ooh, play WoW as it was right at the start!”, usually said by people who haven’t played back then, shortly followed by the stark realization that players (And add-ons) got a lot better since 2005, and content from back then is easy to players nowadays (Raids getting facerolled the day of release), and a lot of the old times were padded out with bad systems and even worse class design/balance.
I don’t agree with that general statement - although, I agree with a form of it; I’ll explain:
6 months isn’t too long, but as the season progresses we should get some nice updates for the game - updates that are connected to the expansion and to the current season and its storyline(s).
If they do that; 6 months is not too long. Two patches throughout those 6 months should be enough.
The thing with season 1 of TWW is: They haven’t done that. Yes, we got 2 patches, but almost nothing in those patches is related to TWW or any of its storylines. So it feels like we’re just waiting and waiting for more of that, while we get ‘side content’ to keep us entertained: But as we’ve seen; for a lot of people that tactic doesn’t work.
You can only re emerge old classic servers so many times before even the biggest nostalgia shills get bored. This 20 year old game was never mean to run the same way Blizzard even thought about shutting it down all the way back in TBC. Get a grip.
I don’t get these “classic is dead cause retail” and “retail is dead cause classic” threads. If you like one, play that one and let the others play what they like in peace. If you like both, play both.
I like Classic, but I don’t have the time to spend my whole gaming time walking from point A to point B and doing half a quest. I envy the people that do. If I was younger, I would play Classic, but as it is Classic is just too time consuming in terms of getting stuff done.