Everything you need to know about delves

after spending last week mostly in delves and doing more than 60 of them I have found some interesting stuff to share , from some issues and bugs to one of the greatest way of gearing your characters this season

lets start with some issues have ran into:

1-some people (including myself) cannot get any curio higher than level 1 , I suspect this is connected to the achievement of collecting all curios being bugged and it not counting even tho you have them all
2-if you get disconnected during a bountiful delve and reconnect there is a really high chance that your delve is not bountiful anymore , I have had this happen 6~7 times roughly , when that happens you have to reset the delve and start fresh
3-some specific objectives break if you disconnect as well , this is limited to a few delves so not that big of a deal

these are the ones I have seen and experienced so far , if anybody else got anything to add to it , it would be very nice

now lets move on to delve tiers and bountiful delves:
1- delves are capped at ilvl 554 normally , or so you think, there is a chance for you
to find veteran 584 warbound pieces inside the normal chests at the end of the
delve(yes , even when not bountiful) , I have gotten 3 of those pieces so far so they
are not too common , but hey they are nice for gearing an alt

2-you get ilvl 603 items from tier 8 bountiful delves , this is while you get 593 from mythic and 597 from raids and such , if you are a class that can solo them like I am , you can farm gear easily without any headache of LFR or mythics

3-most players think that you only need to do bountiful delves if you have a restored coffer key, which is wrong.
they are worth doing daily, why you may ask?
well there is an item called delver’s bounty, delver’s bounty also has tiers based on what delve you get it from, Im gonna specifically focus on tier 8 tho , which you can get from tier 8 delves
now where do you get these delver’s bounties from?
you have a chance to get them from bountiful heavy trunk at the end of bountiful delves(not the big chest which needs coffer key , the 2 small ones next to it) or you have a chance to loot it from the claw that zekvir leaves behind when he breaches your delve, so why are these delver’s bounties so special?
well a tier 8 delver’s bounty is a golden ticket to get yourself a 610 ilvl hero piece, which as of right now you can only buy boes with that ilvl or you have to raid nerubar palace heroic for a chance to get one
but in delves as long as you have this delver’s bounty its exclusive to you and you only
some players assumed there is a limit of 2 weekly on these but that’s wrong, I have gotten 4 of them this last week which means 4 610 pieces.

4-they are a nice way of gearing your future alts, if you check the delve vendor , you see you can buy full ilvl 580 gear from him once you hit a certain point in delver’s journey(it takes a long while to get there tho)
which is dope , you also can get extra coffer keys from him once you progress further , which again makes gearing alts easier

5-you got 3 great vault slots which are exclusive to delves and if you do x8 tier 8 delves per week you get 3 slots in the vault which gives you Ilvl 616 gear next week(hero 610 with 2 upgrades)

1-they are not soloable by all classes , Im a prot paly and I have done all my runs solo , its fun and challenging for me at least , but I have seen some classes struggle with doing them solo , but there is always option of grouping up

2-you get limited coffer keys per week , 4 to be specific , there are also world quests and such which give you coffer key shards or radiant echoes

3- as of right now they are getting changed constantly , so many things have changed from when they originally released , and they will keep changing even more probably , so make sure to run them while they are still worth it

in my honest opinion delves are awesome and I have been having so much fun in them , I have also seen people complaining about them , in any case they are 100% worth doing for fun factor and gear
I just wanted to show people how underrated delves are
also if you got any questions I would be glad to answer them for you


How do you think Prot War would fare? Considering it myself.

well Im not a warrior player so I cannot really have an answer for that , although I have heard people soloing as fury or prot , maybe an experienced prot warrior can give you a more definite answer
overall based on my experience on both my paly and dk tank with healer bran can get through most delves just fine, at soe point you get tanky enough to use him as dps too

edit: this is my paly , post it on my dk by accident

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Not by all specs as easily, perhaps. But I’m certain that all classes can solo 8-Bountifuls.

As WW-monk, 8 Bountiful Delves are relatively easy. Sure, you get some hits here and there, but Brann puts up plentiful of healing potions to cover the moments where no instant heal is available, interrupt is on cd, stun is on cd, Paralysis is on cd and RoP is on cd.

And I think that some people perhaps forget to experiment a little in them, talents as well as mechanics.

E.g. in the Fungal-spore Delve (if that’s the name), there are those orbs that explode (big green circle). It knocks you back if you’re in it. However, it does exactly the same to enemy-mobs. In other words; you can get entire packs (of lesser-health mobs) to like 20% in one explosion. Just keep them in and yourself out. That saves quite some time, effort, and reduces the required attention-span :).

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you are talking about fungal folly(those spore bits are in a few other delves too)
and yes perhaps I should change that to spec

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I’m soloing t8 delves on my 580 prot pala aswell, without any deaths.
Meanwhile on my 605 shadow priest I can’t even get past certain trash packs with brann as healer /shrug.