Evoker Getting Free Sha of Anger and Nalak Mount

I think the general consensus is this is a bad situation because Blizzard doesn’t address these exploits in meaningful ways. They hotfix the drop but let those who exploited the bug carry on with the goods. I don’t care if Joe Schmoe got a mount, congratulations to him/her/it, I care that these things are properly addressed to preserve the integrity of the game, that’s the discrepancy - although admittedly not one I expect you to comprehend.

usa servers had entire day to get this mount europe only couple hours and server wasn’t even supposed to be up in the first place as maintence should only ended at 11am but servers was up like 5 hours earlier…blizzard can only do one of the two

1.reroll all mounts that peoples got on evoker

2.make it available for everyone to get not just few early exploiters

Alternatively bring back the bug for a few days so more people do actually get the chance of looting it.

Also to clarify it wasn’t exactly a 100% drop, the bug was caused because the mounts were the only thing on the loot table for evokers meaning that they either got gold or the mount resulting in a 50/50 chance.

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Something should be done. Knowing its Blizzard, most likley nothing will be done.

I agree and I am pissed as well. I created my evoker as soon as the servers started but for some reason I forgot to go and do Sha (something I usually do when I create new characters).

Instead of rolling back the mounts that got rewarded due to the bug I see this as a perfect opportunity to fix the abysmal drop rate instead.

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lool really? that means they probably got the same bug in siege of orgrimar /brf…//hellfire citadel??/antorus?? etc wherever PL was involved. since mounts always drop for all specs/classes

*Shariah Cangry

This is insane, something really must be done. Either remove it, or increase drop rate, not sure what’s the best move.

Simply revoke them. They should be easily able to see who got them on the envoker.

problem is some had no idea it was a bug, who got it, so what realy is fair here, remove it from all or from those who made new evokers to get it, if they didnt get it first time, becuse then it is for sure an exploit, but those who just did it once, not all knew it was a bug.
better would be to just buff the drop rate until next expac, and make nalak lootable every day instead for people to get a bigger chance to get it.

oh and no I didnt exploit that, heck didnt even know of it, and I did not kill nalak eighter, just incase someone thinks I was one becuse I do not think all should have it removed.

It only affected evokers so just those. Only fair way.

can blizz just take away the Anger mounts from the evokers who abused the bug. thanks.

I have done the dance for almost 3 years and still no mount.

Just up the droprate and everyone will be happy! :slight_smile:

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This is far from the first time people have exploited a bug and walked away with the spoils after it was hotfixed. Blizzard is either too lazy or too incompetent to do something about these things so I wouldn’t hold my breath.

I understand the frustration of those that have farmed or are currently farming the mounts. This is just one of many examples of why Blizzard has no integrity.

The madmen actually DID IT.

Son of Galleon’s Saddle, Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn, Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent, and Solar Spirehawk drop chance has been greatly increased.

Still dunno what is the correct percentage but heck, that is a welcome change!

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This was the point!!! All unite in a combined force outrage to stand up for justice!!

This one?

Hopefully they can lower the respawn timers, isn’t the sha of anger still on a 15 min respawn?

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Time to dust off the alt army and go again on this. About time I got it after all those attempts.