Exalt in the Impressive Influence 100% Bonus Reputation Buff: April 20 – May 18

Confirmed on my end.

Better late than never.

Sleepy time. :sleeping:

Buff is live… just when we gave up and finished the last world quest for today, oh well.

Just logged in, and the buff is active for me! So good luck farming rep everyone!

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No I said that the rep buff isn’t that big of a deal. So much more things to be concerned with right now and it’s not like we need constant updates about it like major issues is it?

Waiting till tomorrow isn’t gonna hurt anyone. It’s a mild inconvenience at most and doesn’t need a whole forum full of threads about it and demands of blue posts.


They might as well extend it one more day to make up

lol why they never gave a time only a date so anytime in the said date is fine

I get the feeling they’ll also extend it to the Shadowlands Pre-patch like the EXP buff.

Here I thought this buff increased the rep gained with Honeyback hive. I guess not…

Just 1 update would be nice

Aaand ya are lying .But who cares. No more time to waste on you

It’s live now my friend. We can complain about Blizzard’s lack of communication some other time. Just have fun now.

Fine if one did not already do their mechagon WQ already thinking the buff would be up by now.
That was like 935 rep less

To be fair it’s both a communication issue and a dev choice issue.

Communication because a specific time should have been shared to us.
Dev even more because apparently they didn’t plan anything in the first place, and also the logic decision would have been to apply the buff at reset. Right now people are in a weird spot where we can’t play at all and basically lost a day of game time. My daily routine is essentially around farming rep so i’m basically forced to wait.

So to the stupid people saying we are ungrateful whiners you are totally missing the point. If there was no buff i could actually be playing, because of it i can’t.


US forums mate. Update for the US. “During the day” could mean 23.59.

That sounds like what an american cable company would say

its up on eu right now

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Not seeing much difference. WQ rep xp is still 150 …

I don’t see it still…