Exalt in the Impressive Influence 100% Bonus Reputation Buff: April 20 – May 18

Cool thanks

Well this rep thing is one slight improvement for allied races. Now remove the dungeon requirements for unlocking kul tirans and mechagnomes and I’ll consider doing the rep grinds for them. :+1:

You can buy those tokens on the AH and get to exalted with most (if not all) of the WoD reputations within a few minutes. Don’t know how much they cost nowadays though.

I would really have preferred if they extended the XP buff.

This is still better than nothing I guess, but still, it’s more a disappointment than anything else.


I just feel like the EXP buff was something that was usable to all.
With so many restrictions on the Rep buff and only being usable for Legion/BFA it seems like something that is mostly usable to those who came later or who have slacked on getting the reputations (For their own reasons mind you)

If the rep buff also gave reps for all xpacs (Excluding 8.3 rajani/uldum which makes sence, current patch content) i’d be very happy.

reps schmeps

XP or riot :triumph::triumph::triumph:

Yeah i forgot about WoD it would be nice to get flying there also with Rep buff

This event is just stupid…
At least remove the time-gated thing…
A whole event just for 10-15 min per day? Thats how long it takes to do the dailies before you wait for the next WQ spawn the next day.

Let us have this 100% Bonus Rep Buff, but keep the 100% Bonus XP Buff too!

Both buffs will inspire more players to do reps to unlock allied races and then to level them up with bonus XP.

im not going to lie but im pretty disappointed right now. reps are neat but i dont want to farm something i dont enjoy in the first place but guess i can be happy for whoever wants to get their pathfinder reps… :frowning:

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Why not both? People where asking to extend the xp buff. Why can’t we have both active? I am just about to unlock the allied races and it would’ve been cool to level with the xp buff.

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This is very… disappointing. Not only the amazing XP Buff is going away, but the new Reputation Buff is completely useless for any character that actually played throughout BFA.

I mean, the only Reputations I would bother getting to Exalted right now would be Rajani and Uldum Accord, because those dailies got tiresome and old so very fast, and I eventually just left them both at Revered.

The XP buff got soooo many people back into the game, and a lot of those would still like to level some more characters. Me personally, I would love to continue leveling some Allied Races for the Heritage achievs. Why not just keep that buff along with this new one then? Sounds reasonable to me - a smart decision even, considering the current Global situation and that we’re in for a drought of content.


I guess this is pretty good for players who just got back into the game and need to farm pathfinder but for everyone else, who played through BFA, this is clearly not very helpful. Especially excluding the 2 new factions that came with Nyalotha and everything before Legion.

Blizzard please listen to the community, we are all stuck at home thanks to Covid-19 and a lot of us would enjoy leveling more characters. Adding to that I already saw a lot of people returning to the game because of the 100% XP buff!

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PLEASE continue the XP buff.
This rep buff is complete garbage.

So you Activison wants to increase the rep buff - for Allied Races that no longer need Exalted reps in Shadowlands?

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Kinda disapointing that 8.3 is excluded.

Bring back the Dislike button to forums because I want to dislikes this x10000 plz keep the xp buff =[ I am actually enjoying levelling , I haven’t in years.


The thing is… BlizzardEntertainment is just a spam bot and not actual human, hehe. This new bonus event starting in 2-3 days. I dont think a guy from Blizz will read the EU forums before April 20, so… no hopes for extended 100% XP :(((

US Blizz devs read EU forums once a year or two. Stop crying in here :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, I guess… But this is useless. Can’t farm rep in Legion and BfA so most of the time this buff will stay unused. Definitely not something I will renew my sub for.

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Me right now…


players can exalt in the reputation buff Impressive Influence, which will increase reputation gains by 100% with Legion and Battle for Azeroth* factions!

*Bonus excludes Rajani and Uldum Accord reputation.

So… What’s the point?