Excess knowledge points for mettle?

I get that a lot of people who haven’t been grinding their professions since the beginning of DF might not have this option; But I have, like, 256 excess knowledge points on my jc, and 153 on my engi, and so on for other professions, and it would be huuge if we could trade it for mettle, which I am constantly low on.
As a jc, people (in order to not get scammed, I get it) put their lvl req’s on stuff like main stat gems and max lariat, so you need to put in your illustrious insight for 50 mettle, to be able to craft it. So having some way to get more mettle, or idk, be able to get more than 150 mettle per week from the quest, or more mettle from the weekly grindable knowledge points, would be great :slight_smile:

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Vendor is to the left of NPCs that give weekly profession quests.

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oh my god, I had no idea :sweat_smile: thank you!

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