Execute animation is still bugged

The damage number comes out like half a second late. Not only execute is bugged, but also the DK skill Obliterate. It has to do with this overhead animation (I think), but from what I could test, it doesn’t happen with Final Verdict (Ret Pally) and Unholy Assault (Unholy DK), which also have a similar overhead animation.

Apparently this has been an issue for some time, there’s even a forum post where someone from Blizzard answered, but it’s still bugged. Can you please fix it?


Can confirm. Execute damage number is very delayed 1-2 seconds. When the opportunist proc gets used by your Overpower it also takes 1-2 seconds until the proc is actually gone instead of instantly when you use Overpower.

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You don’t really see it on the final verdict because of the dot numbers popping up at the same time but it’s delayed also.

I think the hammer rotating before hitting is meant as a distraction but I’m glad people are finally starting to see how janky it looks and feels.

I fkin hated this animation ever since shadowlands and was never able to enjoy my dk and warrior (venthyr) since.

Bump. This is a core skill of every war spec, and a central skill of an entire hero talent tree. How come this hasn’t been fixed yet?

11.0.5 just came out and this issue is still not fixed. This has been an issue since tww prepatch btw.


It’s even worse. On some races, execute animation not only has delayed damage number but the sound of the skill hitting the enemy is missing. Worgens weren’t affected by that sound bug before the patch, now they do.

So instead of being fixed, the bug has now spread to even more races.