Execute Arms vs Fury

What’s the point of fury execute hitting like wet noodle when arms do 6k crits? It’s so stupid when you execute someone and hit for 1,3k crits with 128ilvl when arms crits for 5-7k. Even my bloodthrist hit more when crits…

With arms you have a harder time to get rage^^ Fury is a no-brainer for that :smiley: So simple to speak idk if its true^^

because its other specc and mastery… and arms executes costs rage… fury not ^^^ same name . but nothing else ^^

you cant compare them… its like a difference between a frostbold from a firemage vs a frostmage… or elemental shaman dps vs healshaman dps ^^

But isnt it stupid that ablity that costs 20 rage do 6x time dmg than fury? Itp better to use other ablities than execute in prepatch cuz you just lost gcd that could be used for dragon roar instead(that do more dmg than ablity that execute people o0) and couple rage from execute its nothing. Plus don’t act like managing rage on arms its hard or super skillful… its 3 buttons spec + damage buffs or ms. Or just make fury execute costs rage and hit like arms and im cool with that.

YOU CANT COMPARE THEM ! is just same name + useable below 20%hp.
arms and fury are 2 differnt speccs!

btw it costs 20-40rage …

So fury can’t have normal strong execute because arms is diffrent spec. Understandable, have a nice day.

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yeah and arms hitting mostly 1 target with CD 2 targets…
fury hitting 24/7 5 targets → WW mechanic (no ragecost / no CD)

besides that … fury generating way more rage than arms (look IP cost too), 2 weapons even SMF possible ^^

in Legion due to Legendary Weapon fury has the best Execute… but he needs alot of time to stack the buff up

Can you stop defending your spec because i have nothing to arms warrior? Im just annoyed that fury now its meme. Imagine you can’t execute with execute ability in pvp. Arcane barrage with 2 arcane charges hit more than fury execute thats the point. And i was comparing them just to show how meme our dmg is. And you rarely hit 5 targets in pvp lol… Is it really hurt You that much that fury could execute for same dmg? Its iconic ability from start of the game and now its basicly bloodthrist on cd…

oh sorry i didnt see u want to talk about pvp - ^^ but a quick view… ur char isnt that good geared / setup + maybe not good skill… maybe its not all about a bad execute :wink:

I only played 40 arenas for transmog and still got better win ratio than you, playing with 410ilvl sham and i mainly play bg idk maybe check my win ratio at some of them like 77%. So yeah maybe look at how Many games i played next time mr mythic geared 1,8k rating warrior.

dunno how you can crit 1,3k exe
i do 1,2k (x2, off-hand hit less than main, but still) with non crit, unbuffed execute
5-6k~ in burst
plus, fury s exe gives you rage, a lot of it, making your window between rampages shorter(and that s another point to it), you can t give it more dmg
would be OP otherwise, while arms exe require 40 rage

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Im talking about pvp damage.

Raider dummy:
https ://imgur.com/d9XzGKR

Lucky pvp crit:
https ://imgur.com/hytnzuY

so Ye idk how you hit 1,3k normal executes
And i was waiting to enrage before execute on dummy

Well for starters, good job on getting a positive win rate in your placement matches :+1: Hope you enjoy parts of the transmog.
Fury Execute is just a generator, it still hits decently hard, especially for a generator, but should never match something that consumes almost half your resources.

You sure you’re taking into account both Execute and Execute-offhand?


Was waiting for main hand and enrage, idk if 1k is hard when i do same dmg with insta arcane barrage on mage, but OK. And you know playing with no corruptions vs guys with full lashes and sometimes broken matchmaking etc was not so fun so yeah, idk if you trolling or what with first words. Give fury arms execute with rage cost like arms and it will be good. I dont need generator when i want to “execute” enemy

Edit: do i make idiot out of myself and execute hit 2x with both weapons? I only always see 1 number

Execute and Execute-Offhand. That’s what the two numbers mean here.

But You can see screen i posted, out of couple executes i did. Dmg its just meme i do more dmg with low lvl characters sometime

I am prot, and my execute crits for 4.3k :stuck_out_tongue:

Suck on that

I dont know why you do so low damage with execute, are you enraged when using it?
Mine hits for almost twice of yours on the raider dummy.
Also Details! dont separate main and off-hand executes, so take the average number and double it.
My main-hand execute crit between 2-2.3k and then add another 1-1.3k from off-hand.
My normal executes adds up to about 1.5k per use.
So yeah my fury execute hits for half of my arms execute, but it generate instead of spend and its our 3rd strongest hitting ability with rampage and dragons roar beating it.