Executus (PvP) Horde Reconnections

same here THE BIG TAUREN
how is going m8 :))) i hope u are doing very well

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Smorba here, ud wlock. Just started on Bloodfang :+1:

Would like to see Jens (cant remember nick), Leio, Bellaz back ingame. Others aswell. One guildname was sinestic… but that was in tbc

Hehe yeah, thats me. Undead rogue this time on Noggenfrogger server (character name Pøbel).

Thank you, hope you are doing good aswell mate :slight_smile: What server are you playing classic on now?

Leio isnt returning :slightly_smiling_face:

I remember a lot more names here than I thought lol.
Perhaps I should give Classic a shot

Boo for Leio… if you wander at bloodfang horde side. Add Peikko and join the fun

2 Characters here
Kinichie, Orc Warrior. Draco Elysium and OoO
Tari, Blood Elf Warlock, Draco Elysium

Zy, Undead rogue from Draco Elysium
How ya doin Kinners :smiley: you still in contact with the guys from Draco?
I remember the name Rotgut vaguely

Playing as lvl 27 undead rogue on Earthshaker atm.
Vanilla virus got me.


The Draco bunch returned, not sure where but Kinichie knows

Xgemeaux and Korakas were kill on sight for me :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m looking for any czech-speaking players that used to play on Executus and that I have no contact for anymore.

My characters: Xzan, Miakke
Our guilds: Liny Kuze, HeLL CZ, Certus
Players I’m in contact with: Dorel, Hrom, Ondrasos, Derdekea, Rozop, Kekel, Detoxa, Intoxa, Unkwas, Sip, Darksythe, Marcy, Spedy, Lewi, Leew and others
I’m desperately looking for Morin and Jujuja. Anyone that used to play with and would like to play with us again, please contact me! :slight_smile:

Hi Garam/Xzan/Miakke!

Phexo here (I was a member of Liny Kuze and Hell CZ before quitting retail for good). I am not really in contact with any of the guys except one or two but - on the website vanillafriends (dot) com, if you search EU-Executus and Horde, you will find Jujujas discord info since he joined the site. You will eventually be able to reach out to him.
Fingers crossed! :slight_smile:

Who is a Rotgut!? oh yeah I member…

Grintogg - Hunter in Vanilla
Changer - Druid

I’m on Razorgore server for classic

Yea I too remember many of you. This toon used to be orc hunter back in the day. I stopped playing retail in legion and now playing an undead mage “Deviem” on skullflame realm. Feel free to say hello :slight_smile:

Hey I remember you from the old Warsong Gulch days.

Mostly for the map exploits though. :upside_down_face:

We have changed servers and are currently playing on Bloodfang!

Man, thanks for the info! :slight_smile: I should have checked back here earlier :slight_smile:
edit: Actually Jujuja doesn’t have his Discord ID there, it’s just “Jujuja” without the #ID :frowning:

Hottage :slight_smile: Legend, I remember you!
My memory says the only ret pala, who actually made the spec seem decent!

And <3 Devrion, if I return i’ll defo consider your realm :slight_smile:

Was also Pedro, he was pretty decent too. Only got Rank 13 though I think.

anyone know were players like azziell went and others if they still play I do mind you hottage I came across you plenty times in bg oh and the rogue ferro human it was and I played horde got new account again in legion I should have revived me others I had years ago but I hope some here do remember not that I was a pro or anything but I do mind some the names who have posted here anyhows I play on azuremyst both horde and alliance. come on someone must know were some are toymaker are you out there man I miss you so much my greek friend and many others I do miss so much life moves so fast but what a reunion it would be to be reunitied with some old players my characters are stated in other posts I have done above as am bloodkill and some others too so come on please any who remember me get in touch oh and miss nightshade where are you and citty the tauren hunter rawzilla too I could name loads here but I have above named some others too but come on any horde players who used to play horde side let me know please and thanks peace out how life changes so fast I miss all old friends on executus so much :frowning: j o e

Ponton - rogue UD guild Faithless