In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Executus in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Hey and Olá! I’m looking for some Portuguese players that used to play with me on XXL LAN in Porto, Portugal. Specially Dervish and Valentina. Lok Tar friends.
hey I used to play on executus pvp realm eu i had akfortyseven mage and i also had others but my other main was hashhealer shaman but i had to name change it to celtichealer i used to play in a guild called darkside enforcers which was my sister partners guild his name in game was redblade and he was shaman also i mind dirt from guild and also demonknight akuma balliame my sisters main was priest drea so if there is others still in game who know of me please reply i loved pvp used to pvp with toymaker rogue he was and many other names i mind azziel bluetoes reply if you mind me oh and citty the hunter 
i play on azuremyst realm my main is mage and rogue
Kazama, troll mage, tribute. I hope to reconnect with my beloved Gorfite. I’m sure I’ll remember names if I see em.
oh and i remember blacky too who was a good friend too me also in game my bnet is itsmeyouknow#21990 so anyone who remembers me add me on bnet I do have a current old pvper from this realm on bnet friends list who still plays name xgemeaux
I dont really play anymore, due to not having the time, but I am considering returning for some casual Classic play.
I was a priest named Rotgut on horde.
Orc warlock, played whole vanilla untill bc then changed server.
had some really good guilds, dont remember any name 
Omexe was a troll female rogue. Played in order of the everliving, outcasts, illuminati and unforgiven.
and I remember you Omexe
and Rotgut too of course
I’ve first been a member of Illuminati, then Unforgotten (where I also lead raids), and the final parts of classic in Outcasts.
In TBC I lead Off Limit together with Logan (aka Lowden, rest his soul).
I’ll be starting on Pyrewood Village as Tauren Shaman. PvE server this time, as I now have real life time constraints and spontaneous outdoor PvP can spoil your plans severely. I will be raiding, though not as intense as in the old days.
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char : kzkz
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Guild: DAWN,Arctic Legion
I had been playing with a lot of ppl ( Jaz, Stanko< Deathknight, Pipo, Guru, Fayk. Hekmoto, Orci, Deep, Hamode, Tnm, Enreki, Corp, Spard, Demonaykyo, Drakfahad, Blanka, Rola, Evilface, friendly , and there are a lot i couldn’t remember
Add me! Omexe#2353. I’m playing shazz but be nice to chat!
Here is former guild master of BadMoon , horde Executus raiding guild. Actually not original guild master , Fener Druid was founder of this guild but bec. of irl he had to leave and left guild to me. We had some great time, I think for me the best time in this game belong to BadMoon. So remaking guild is what I want , who ever remember is welcome, and new ones as well. Since there are no old server names atm , I am going to be on Shazzrah pvp server and will remake it there. Already reserved nick name and of course it is going to be Troll priest . It would be really awesome to find some of the old members and friends.
Heya, Nevermoore here.
undead mage, never anything else, played most of the time in Outcasts back in the day! Remember some people here, will probably roll another mage on one of the new servers and goof around for a while! Add me if you like!
Did you play as Megastick back in the day? 
I jumped onto Morgraine, this is actually more fun than i anticipated, not just a trip down nostalgia lane