Exile’s Reach - Free Real Estate?

I think there’s a decent amount of potential to the Exile’s Reach location. It’s got a modern, clean aesthetic, a variety of varied locales and enemies and with a Warlock and some buddies players can leave and return at a whim. Two Warlocks might be necessary, should one want to be able to leave but players could return with a Transmog mount or something if necessary. I don’t know what precisely but I’ve recently decided I want to make use of this space if I can. Has anyone else thought about this? Any ideas on the types of roleplay that could be carried out?

Blizz could provide an instanced version of the island open to all characters above lvl 10. It wouldn’t cost them much, just maybe a couple NPCs to teleport you there and a version of the map with just the wildlife-type mobs.

In fact, if we could have an expansion-neutral version of all of Azeroth (without damage or neverending wars) it could really enrich RP or even just exploration and professions.

Same for the Expedition islands of BfA, to be honest.

Don’t think you can go back to Exile’s Reach, right?
Idk at what level you get ritual of summoning with the squish, but I know it was fairly high in the old system, grinding it out with quillboars just so you can summon people there sounds like an enormous waste of time.

This island has very big potentials. The main idea is that Blizzard have removed the borders for the players.
For example, before 9.0.1 if you wanted to create a Highborn, there was a border that was not allowing you to do that. Choosing a Night Elf mage, you would appear in Darnassus as ordinary elf who want to study arcane and help clean Teldrassil.

But now, that border was removed. You can create Night Elf mage, and tell everyone that you are Highborn. Because you appear on that island. You are not attached to Darnassian elves.

Just like Blizzard told in interview, now we are free to RP any nation/tribe. They also have removed leaders from race description… Now we can choose our own leaders.
The only thing is that you have to create your own story about how your Highborn/Sand troll/etc became as new joiner on the Alliance/Horde expedition.

This is a minor update, I have created a community on Argent Dawn for roleplay on Exile’s Reach; ‘Exiles Reach Roleplay Community’. I imagine it’ll be quiet for a while but hopefully a few people see this and join (after Shadowlands launch hype dies). I still think there’s plenty of opportunity in Exile’s Reach for roleplay, especially if a few things can be ironed out.

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