Expansion Launch Expectations

Hello Everyone!

TWW will be my first experience with an expansion launch post Wrath. All my current characters have been levelled through solo questing in chromie time (1-60) and later solo levelling on Dragon Isles (60-70).

When I got to Dragon Isles, quests were a bit challenging, and it wasn’t really that difficult to die. Things changed dramatically as soon as I hit level 70 and got some emerald dream/weekly quests gear.

So I’d like to ask more experienced players: if things go the way they were for the last few expansions, will TWW quests be difficult in say ilvl 500 gear from current world content?
Should I expect any pre patch event gear to be higher or similar ilvl to the current world content gear?

Thanks in advance!

It’ll very likely be the same experience as with Dragonflight.
They’ve done it that way the last countless expansions, and there’s nothing that indicates the next will be any different.

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Thanks, but can You describe it a bit more? My experience with the first character who had only quest gear was a bit different to the one who had heirloom gear.
If I’d be ilvl 500 with all the current world quest gear, should I expect vastly different experience compared to the character that only gets ilvl 330 green gear from Dragonflight main story quests? Or the difficulty jump will be so high that this difference will be minimal?

From my experience, the first quests of new expansions aren’t that hard and reward you with gear rewards, you will catchup fairly quickly.

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Well given that the Pre-Event Gear whas made to give you a smooth start into the Expansion and currently leaks say we will get Chamption 1/8 (GS493) Gear so GS 500 should be enough for a good start experience:


Launch expectations:

  • No downtime
  • Proper phasing
  • Functional quests


  • Servers crashing
  • Quest NPCs swamped by people on giant mounts
  • Half of the stuff needing hotfixes

Thank You,

Do I understand correctly that it means that current ilvl 500 gear will be quickly replaced with questing greens?

-white noise-

Thank You for that! I try not to use wowhead to avoid TWW spoilers, so I missed that.

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If it is the same as previous expansion launches you will recieve a currency upon the prepatch with wich you will be able to get a solid set of gear in anticipation of the new expansion so you dont need to gear them up now and depending on how much you play the prepatch youll get gear there which is good for the first few lvls until you get the new expansion gear etc.

Early it will be relatively easy but it slows down around 4 pr 5 lvls in, being its slowest at 78-80 or the last two levels. But inportant is the new hero talents s depending on the scaling they might influence this cycle so no promises, just highly educated guesses.

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No expectations as most of us loyal customers have to wait 3 days.

Thank You, this is exactly the kind of information I was hoping to get!

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A few weeks or month before Expansion launch there will be a Pre-Patch event (I don’t know what this will be like this time). These usually have activities that offer quite a lot of xp (so good to level up a few alts if you want to) and decent gear. Last Pre-Patch gave 252 which was what Zerith Mortis gave when you upgraded the console thingy. Not sure what that will be this time but I imagine it won’t be far off 500.

Pre-Patch gear is generally better than the quest gear you will be getting for at least 4 or 5 levels so it’s good gear for that content. You won’t struggle gear-wise.

On Launch day the areas will be crowded with all the players wanting to get into the new content. This can cause issues with tagging mobs or quest items.
This year this will be mitigated somewhat with a 3 day early release for those who paid for the more expensive version of the expansion.

Technical issues are rarer these days, back in MOP or WOD logging is was tough and crashes happened but since Legion expansion launches have had few issues.
There will be bugs and quests that go wonky but these will be hotfixed quickly enough.

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