Experience Eliminated

I’m leveling a new character and I have 2 max lvl friends that are trying to boost me through dungeons.

Everytime we join a dungeon we get the “Experience Eliminated” debuff and I will get barely any XP. I’ve read somewhere that we had to talk to “Bethen” in Stormwind Keep to turn on experience gain, so we did.
Joined another dungeon and the same thing happened… all 3 of us get the debuff again…
Now I can’t queue with my friends and have to sit in 15 min DPS queues to level up…

Like did blizzard do this on purpose so that we can’t boost our friends anymore or is it just classic blizzard incompetence?

Just had the same thing when running Time Walking dungeons with my partner who is trying to level his monk. It’s not an issue for my main at 80 but obviously he is getting no exp!

Noticed this happening in M+ all day but didn’t think anything of it until now.

We went to Behsten in Stormwind and see to have to turn exp back on despite not turning it off. We then tried a normal dungeon (Dawnbreaker) and had the same issue.

This needs to be fixed please!

I am getting this debuff in every TWW dungeon I do even though myself and the entire group is level 80 (and therefor cannot disable XP gains).

I’m fairly certain it’s bugged.