Experience eliminator bugged?

I wanted to level sync with my friend levelling through Chrromies timewalking campaign on my capped character, so I thought I needed to turn off my experience gain. Turns out after a long process I figured it out.
However I’ve ran into a big problem.
My experience is turned off but the NPC in orgrimmar won’t give me the option to turn it back on. I’ve relogged and every time I log back in he gives me the option to turn it off again.
Even though I still have the debuff. I can’t play with my friend now because it gives him an exp reduction debuff.

Am I missing something or have I encountered a big issue?

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I have the same issue, I worry on SL release I’m going to continue having the issue and not able to level on my main…

I wonder too. Cause I can’t even get ANY option from the experience eliminator. I mean, I would like to stop the exp gain before I hit 60 or meanwhile you are on the lvl 60 run, because I like to clear out quests before hitting end game content. But I can’t. I go to the exp eliminator and he doesn’t even have a choice for me.
So I HOPE that it’s a bug that will be fixed real soon.