Experience gained increases once more

They really want you to raid log asap

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They want us all to be shamans before phase4 so they will not need to fix it.


Was gonna say this aswell, and im honestly tempted to lvl a Shaman now. Just go ele and stomp, freeload double instant damage here and there. Even easier to proc than retail, disgustingly fun it must be for them.

It’s laughable when you compare the Paladin Runes vs Shaman Runes on two screens.

Retail season requires retail solutions. They think this will make people come back to the failed delivery of classic.

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I wish everyone would do this to make fun of the SOD team

All the other games companies will laugh at them

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This is good, game is so boring atm, might aswell lvl those alt

Raid logging with 7 chars means you have a full week of raiding :man_shrugging:
And they are making it easy to have at least 2-3 chars so you can raid 2-3 times per week

That’s a bit of an overkill and I was one of those happy with 100.

an xp boost will not change anything if they want to make their game active, they must authorize the gdkp which keeps classic alive
no guild will raid as much as a gdkp structure can
the gdkp is an essential element in the life of classic, people have reasons to do alt, there are more people in boosts, in dungeons in all public activities

Yes gdkp runs keep good guilds running a raid with motivation to get gold and it also gives “noobs” the chance to clear some raids if they somehow get a pile of gold.

I myself was already planning in p1 to buy at least one naxxramas clear run when time is here (if prices are reasonable) but now i will probably never get the chance to clear naxx

What we need is a way to boost alts rep based on what your main character is exalted with and easier ways to get some runes. For example if u already did the darkrider questline u should just be able to buy those runes for alts.


this is the problem. this is why its not allowed. because we all know what “somehow” translates directly to.

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It does sometimes, like myself there are also many people who farm their gold in a honest way and they got punished too just because of bots (which are still all over azeroth)

Exp boost isn’t a rep boost or anything. I’ll still have to grind for all of the other crap I need which will take ages. Hard pass Blizz. I barely have time for one character let alone two or more.

Maybe a way to band all the characters on your account together so they share reputation and other progress.

I’m fairly sure they have data that says that people leave before 50 because it takes too long.

So they have to rush people there.

If that’s the case then why bother at all, just start new characters at lvl 60 with warden gear and 200 gold.

They need to cater their majority of players, the bots.

Still way way too slow to lvl up to 40

This will never happen. The WoW community has been asking for this for decades at this point. Reputation grinds from a lot of expansions make rerolling impossible.